New Sonic the Hedgehog Excursion Game Rumoured for Wii U, 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.05.2013 3

New Sonic the Hedgehog Excursion Game Rumoured for Wii U, 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The source of recent Sonic the Hedgehog games has put together an unconfirmed report of an upcoming multiplatform release.

The chap who has leaked every title since Sonic Unleashed posted unconfirmed details of a potential new project called Sonic Excursion.

The  game is pitched more in line with a traditional Sonic the Hedgehog game featuring both Sonic and Tails in the lead role, joined by Knuckles, Amy and Dr. Eggman.

The game is said to feature multiple playable characters, a new developer (not Dimps) and optional alternative paths depending on the character. Emblems, ten per level, are also said to make a return and based on various different requirements. For example, completing a level with all four characters, getting and S rank with each, red rings and more.

The first level is said to follow a city/New York theme featuring Sonic and Tails breaking through office buildings, shocked humans and both characters speaking to each other during the level itself.

From then on, Knuckles and Dr. Eggman end up in an argument and the poor echidna ends up fooled by Eggman once again.

Sonic Excursion is said to launch on Wii U, 3DS, Xbox 360, PS3, PC, PS4 and Xbox 720 in November 2013.

What do you think of the rumoured Sonic the Hedgehog concept, is this something you'd like to play?

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This has already been confirmed fake, by the way. The guy who "leaked" it was just a 4channer imitating a person who's leaked stuff in the past, didn't even get the original guy's name right.

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SuperLink said:
This has already been confirmed fake, by the way. The guy who "leaked" it was just a 4channer imitating a person who's leaked stuff in the past, didn't even get the original guy's name right.

Can you post a link to the confirmation/fake please SL - can't seem to find it - thanks!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Can you post a link to the confirmation/fake please SL - can't seem to find it - thanks!

Well the original 4chan thread 404'd so it's no longer linkable but basically the guy who supposedly "leaked" this is not the same as the previous leaker, just a guy pretending to be him. but this is about as much confirmation as I can get, screencaps.

Here's a screencap of the new thread from yesterdat which supposedly "leaked" the information

Image for

Notice the user's "name", is "Wintos", also take note of his tripcode, the code to the right of his name (that code is used on imageboards like 4chan so that other users can maintain some kind of identity rather than remaining anonymous)

Here's a screencap of the "original" Wentos that a lot of people believe to be a SEGA employee (some of his stuff was right, but some wasn't, so I'm mixed)

Image for

Notice the different spelling of the name and the different code for the name. It's more than likely that the new poster is an imitator. All the reports on various other sites have all come from the assumption that the 4chan thread could be legit, I personally consider it confirmed fake as the new "Wintos" is seemingly just a copycat who usually goes by another name on 4chan. Long story short, it's not the same guy who "leaked" Unleashed et al.

I realise this isn't the most "reportable" of confirmations as fake but considering the source (4chan) isn't the most reportable in the first place, I think the news article should at least highlight how unlikely this is to be real.

( Edited 01.05.2013 13:58 by SuperLink )

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