Wii U Game Delays Due to Understaffed Nintendo Teams

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.04.2013 1

Wii U Game Delays Due to Understaffed Nintendo Teams on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a question and answer session with investors, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was criticised for the lack of Wii U first party efforts.

Despite launching with a brand new 2D Mario game, New Super Mario Bros. U and a franchise-heavy Nintendo Land, things have been quiet from then Nintendo camp in recent months.

With Pikmin 3 pushed to June, it's left Nintendo fans craving more and according to one investor "a severe situation" outside Japan. Iwata admitted that these delays, for Pikmin 3 in particular, were to "add the final touches to ensure that consumers fully feel that they are valuable titles".

He felt the need to spend longer on these games to avoid damaging the reputation Nintendo has for these key franchises.

But it wasn't just quality control that's caused games to be pushed back. Iwata was also criticised for future releases and if titles after Pikmin 3 "will really be available on time" and that "The current weak software lineup has deepened their concerns."

Iwata admitted that these games "required more development resources than expected" and so staff members had to help other titles to complete these games and development teams were understaffed. In order to tackle this Nintendo have invested in technology like the "Nintendo Web Framework" an Unity to try and help studios bring their projects to Wii U.

We would like to work to revitalize the Wii U market and show you favorable results for third-party software from this summer.

What do you think of Iwata and Nintendo's promise to deliver high quality first party titles for Wii U this year. Can they do it or will there be delays for Mario and co?

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The problems al caused by the industarys chasing of graphical detail I fear.
Everything takes more manhours.

Still, Nintendo bought a whole new building recently they probably plan to fill up Smilie

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