The Big Blue Misses Kickstarter Target, Will Return as The Little Blue

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.04.2013

The Big Blue Misses Kickstarter Target, Will Return as The Little Blue on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The spiritual successor to Ecco the Dolphin has failed to meet its target but will live on as a scaled down project.

The Kickstarter campaign for The Big Blue came to an end today but fell short of its $665,000 target despite reeling in over 800 backers. However Ed Annunziata, creator of Ecco the Dolphin and the new project has confirmed that he'll be releasing a portion of the game as another Kickstarter campaign called The Little Blue.

The project will be free to download if it gets funded in order to give potential backers an idea of how it works, the feel and design in order to be a bit more confident to back an eventual re-attempt at The Big Blue.

Are you a fan of Ecco and are you disappointed that The Big Blue hasn't met its Kickstarter target?

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