Nintendo Offering Officially Refurbished 3DS and DSi Consoles in America

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.04.2013 1

Nintendo Offering Officially Refurbished 3DS and DSi Consoles in America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo America have launched a service to sell officially refurbished Nintendo 3DS and DSi consoles direct to the consumer.

The hardware has been inspected by Nintendo's own techies, cleaned and tested to ensure that they're in good, usable condition. Like all refurbished products the consoles may have minor cosmetic blemishes. There are various units on offer at the moment, including the original Nintendo 3DS, DSi XL and game bundles.

Would you purchased a refurbished Nintendo 3DS or DSi from Nintendo directly?

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Our member of the week

If it's directly from them, and they offered the same warranty as a brand new system, then i wouldn't mind it myself, as long as it comes cheaper than buying a brand new one.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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