Take a Look at the Next Etrian Odyssey

By Javier Jimenez 28.04.2013 4

Take a Look at the Next Etrian Odyssey  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus just won't quit this year. They've already released the excellent Etrian Odyssey IV and Soul Hackers. Just around the corner are Shin Megami Tensei IV and Devil Survivor Break Code. But not to be forgotten is Etrian Odyssey Millenium Girl. Atlus Japan has posted a new trailer for Millenium Girl, a remake of the first EO.


The trailer features some very nice animated cutscenes, which give a first look at the game's new player characters: Hero (Landsknecht?), Frederica Irving (Survivalist?), Simon Yorke (Medic), Arthur Charles (Alchemist?) and Racoona Sheldon (Fortress). The cutscenes look like they would fit in a feature anime film, and that's no surprise given that they're the work of famed anime shop Madhouse Inc. The trailer also gives us our first look at the game's new monster models, which look as good as anything in EO IV.

Etrian Odyssey Millenium Girl looks like it's shaping up to take the EO franchise in yet another major step forward. Let's hope Atlus announces localization plans, and soon!

Box art for Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl



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Turn Based RPG



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This looks great! I haven't played the original... It seems like there's much more of a plotline. I didn't think any of the EO games had pre-determined characters.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

It's definitely a new step for the series, Red. Previously the game has been very "Wizardry". You made your own characters and there was very little story. The cutscenes are a big change as well.

Actually, in Millenium Girl you can change the story character's classes if you want. You can even play a "classic" mode, where you make your own characters from scratch. I think that's a real nice way to handle it: options for everything.

The game is still going to be all about the dungeons, however Atlus is taking a big step forward in terms of presentation and appeal. I hope it pays off, because EO is a real neat series.

So does that mean the original EO had this same story? Or are they adding on? I thought it was a remake.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red, it is a remake and it looks like it will expand the story.

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