Road Redemption Seeks Kickstater Funding

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.04.2013

Road Redemption Seeks Kickstater Funding on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Inspired by the classic Road Rash, a currently ongoing Kickstarter project in in development for Nintendo Wii U.

Revolving around 3D motorcycle combat gameplay, Road Redemption brings destructible environments, high speed racing together with ragdoll physics and a variety of meaty weapons. You play a felon who's been paroled after 8 years in prison and has to work his way back up from the very bottom of a motorcycle club, but not all is at it seems...

Standard combat, police escape, assassination and ambush are among the various different missions planned for Road Redemption, together with online and co-operative play.

If successful, the game is expected to launch in 2014.


Are you a Road Rash fan? What do you think of Road Redemption?

Box art for Road Redemption








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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