Rumour: Take Two to Announce Wii U GTA V Release Next Month?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.04.2013 9

Rumour: Take Two to Announce Wii U GTA V Release Next Month? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

RUMOUR: Reports have begun to circulate suggesting that Take Two could announce news on Grand Theft Auto V for other formats, including Nintendo Wii U.

For now the eagerly anticipated fifth chapter in the popular GTA series has only been confirmed for PS3 and Xbox 360 so far, but rumblings from insiders note that publisher Take Two would announce release dates for next-generation platforms during an upcoming investor event on May 16th.

The unconfirmed reports do highlight PS4/Xbox 720 specifically, but it could certainly be promising for those hoping for a Nintendo Wii U version.

Reports have begun to circulate suggesting that Take Two could announce news on Grand Theft Auto V for other formats, including Wii U.

Would you like to see Grand Theft Auto V drive onto Nintendo Wii U this year?

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kentray (guest) 22.04.2013#1

Touchscreen fits with grand theft auto the best and would be a definite buy for the nintendo community

Hellsing (guest) 22.04.2013#2

Hopefully it's true. The Wii U needs more third party support.

Don't see any harm in releasing it for the WiiU, overall it would be a good business move, release it for WiiU get some good sales, WiiU sales go up, right strategy me thinks.

Frank (guest) 22.04.2013#4

Really there nothing stopping Take Two from doing this, the only backlash is the scurtiny they take. But this is one of the most anticpated games and if next-gen consoles get it, it'll cause the game industry sales to hit the roof, skyscraper and maybe even the moon

It would be the definite version.

I own the other main consoles but ever given the chance I always prefer to buy for my Nintendo system first! Smilie  I have this feeling that WiiU won't be getting it though. Take two will join the list of other 3rd party publishers and state they have no plans yet to bring their game to the system and I will  again be a little disappointed. 

When in doubt....Whip it out!

This would be a great boost for Nintendo in helping other devs put more faith in them.

I'd LOVE to see the GamePad used for more than just a map or inventory case....but I'm guessing that's all Take Two is going to impliment.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
dave888 (guest) 26.04.2013#8

The whole point of the Wii U was to take the hardcore gamers away from Playstation/Xbox, Nintendo had the worst advertising campaign ever for the Wii U, they keep putting out too many little kids games. The touch screen would work perfectly with GTA. I've been stuck playing COD black ops 2 since they released the console, please give us some decent games to play. Don't make the touch screen like Zombie U, make it like COD where i can play on the tv or on the touch screen if my wife wants to watch TV.

Entrail (guest) 09.05.2013#9

I want the Wii U version so badly.
I found a petition:

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