Could Square Enix Be Working on a Dragon Quest Monsters 2 Remake?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.04.2013 1

Could Square Enix Be Working on a Dragon Quest Monsters 2 Remake? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new trademark filing from RPG giant Square Enix could be pointing to a potential remake for Dragon Quest Monsters 2.

Dragon Quest Monsters 2 was originally released in Japan and North America as a dual-game release, two versions of the same game on Game Boy Colour. These were Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Malta's Mysterious Keys - Luca's Journey and Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Malta's Mysterious Keys - Iru's Adventure.

Since then the game made a re-appearance a year later as a compilation on Sony PlayStation.

The new trademark, which according to Gematsu translates as "Iru and Luca's Wonderful Mysterious Keys", more than likely suggests a return to Dragon Quest Monsters 2 as either a remake or straightforward Virtual Console re-release.

With the first Dragon Quest Monsters revamped as Terry's Wonderland on Nintendo 3DS, it's likely that a remake for Dragon Quest Monsters 2 could well be on the cards, or at least considered.

Would you like to see a Nintendo 3DS remake for Dragon Quest Monsters 2?

Box art for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure





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Bring over the first one before anything else!! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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