Mother 3 Fan Translators Want to work with Nintendo on Official Localisation

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.04.2013 6

Mother 3 Fan Translators Want to work with Nintendo on Official Localisation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The team behind the Mother 3 fan translation are hoping to work with Nintendo to localise the game, offering the project up for free.

The Mother 3 Fan Translation project is a labour of love to the Japan-only third chapter in the increasingly popular Mother/Earthbound franchise. Originally starting life as Nintendo 64 game, the project morphed into a GameBoy Advance project, released in Japan seven years ago. There was rumblings of a Nintendo DS English release, but for now Mother 3 is only available as a fully translated fan project.

With the elusive Earthbound (Mother 2) heading to North America and Europe on the Wii U eShop this year, the team are keen to help Mother 3 receive official localisation. Translation and localisation does cost time and money and the group would like to offer the translation files and any fixes to fit Nintendo's standards for free.

I realize that localizing a game this size can cost a lot, so if it'll help in even the slightest, I'll gladly offer to let Nintendo use my text translation files for any use at all, completely for free. I'll even edit the files to fit whatever new standards are necessary (content, formatting, memory size, etc.), completely for free. I'll even retranslate everything from scratch if need be. Just whatever it takes to get an official release out.

Have you tried the localised Mother 3 fan project? Would you like to see an official release?

Box art for Mother 3 (Earthbound 2)





Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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What a great idea. Nintendo have no excuses to release it over here now. Dunno what they'd call it though. Smilie

Mush said:
What a great idea. Nintendo have no excuses to release it over here now. Dunno what they'd call it though. Smilie

EarthBound 2, probably. If they did end up releasing the first Mother, they'd have to call it the name everyone refers to it as: EarthBound Zero. At least it'd all make sense for us, then.

This would be great - I've played through the fan translation and European gamers are REALLY missing out! I'm surprised Earthbound hasn't already been pushed on Europe by now due to Smash Bros!

Azuardo said:
Mush said:
What a great idea. Nintendo have no excuses to release it over here now. Dunno what they'd call it though. Smilie

EarthBound 2, probably. If they did end up releasing the first Mother, they'd have to call it the name everyone refers to it as: EarthBound Zero. At least it'd all make sense for us, then.
That's what I was thinking of too, actually. Nintendo have no reason, whatsoever, to release this on the VC. Hopefully Earthbound sells well enough for them to warrant this localisation.

Definitely would be a great idea - even if on the 3DS VC service. "Earthbound 2: Mother III" or something?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can't help but want Brownie Brown to make a HD version for the Wii U, on the eShop. VC would be fine as GBA games are confirmed for the Wii U, so either way would be great. But HD sprites? Mmm... yes please.

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