Luigi is the New Face of Nintendo 3DS XL

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2013 2

Luigi is the New Face of Nintendo 3DS XL on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During today's Nintendo Direct presentation in Japan a brand new Nintendo 3DS XL design was revealed to celebrate the King of Green.

2013 is certainly the year of Luigi with the plumber starring in a plethora of games for Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, and alongside that he'll be the face of the new Nintendo 3DS XL.

Announced today, a new bundle for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team will include a white Nintendo 3DS XL embellished with a whole wad of Luigi in a mixed green palette. On the back we've got a limited edition "Year of Luigi" emblem to celebrate the success of the "other Mario brother" over three decades.

Image for Luigi is the New Face of Nintendo 3DS XL

No release has been outlined for the West, but it's looking likely given today's announcement of the Animal Crossing: New Leaf themed Nintendo 3DS XL.

What are your thoughts on the limited edition Luigi Nintendo 3DS XL - would you get one?

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god dammit Nintendo these things arnt like GBA SPs, we collectors cant get every bloody variation and use them because of your stupid 5 times only data transfer bull!

Adri (guest) 18.06.2013#2

I want it!! Smilie

How can I get it? I'm not from Japan Smilie

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