New Nintendo 3DS Direct Incoming: 17th April, 3pm GMT

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.04.2013 10

New Nintendo 3DS Direct Incoming: 17th April, 3pm GMT on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo will be holding a new Nintendo 3DS Direct video  presentation this Wednesday with lots of goodies in store.

It's been a brilliant two years for Nintendo's latest portable console, ignited with a slew of must have releases like Super Mario 3D Land, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Mario Kart 7 and Luigi's Mansion 2. With Fire Emblem Awakening out this week and Animal Crossing: New Leaf popping up this June, it's set to grow even bigger during 2013.

What Nintendo are to show during Wednesday's presentation is unknown, but it's expected that Animal Crossing would make an appearance, perhaps a new glimpse at this year's Pokémon pair, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.

Tune in on Wednesday 17th April from 3pm GMT for Nintendo 3DS Direct - watch on Ustream.

What are you hoping Nintendo will show during the next show for Nintendo 3DS? 

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Supposedly, it's a big one.

Is it wrong to hope for Bravely Default? I have a feeling...

Ohboyohboy get hype.

Azuardo said:
Supposedly, it's a big one.

What makes you think it's a big one? I can't help but hope a little that new games get revealed, but I think it'll just be more details on what we already know. Maybe Miiverse? I hope for Miiverse.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

ONM said you seriously want to be watching it. Whether that means much, I dunno. Subtle localisation hints over the past few months for BD just make me think now could be the time.

I think BD will happen anyway, Siliconera "confirmed" it, alongside the hints. I'm not sure if it'll be at this NDirect, but I hope ONM aren't just causing hype for no reason.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Same. I guess at least we'll see more of newly announced games, like Mario & Luigi 4. Do hope for some Zelda info, though. Shame the only 3DS game has been OoT3D, which I've not bothered with. Really missing my Zelda fix.

Ah yeah I'm seriously hoping for 3DS Zelda info soon, Nintendo seem to think we only want WiiU Zelda but I actually want an original 3DS Zelda more at this point.. I want to know how well they plan to use the system, or if we'll be stuck with another shallow PH/ST experience.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It needs to be an original. I'm sorry, but an OOT and WW remake (whilst good filler) is not good enough. Need original Zeldas, please!

Chibi-Boy (guest) 15.04.2013#8

ONM talk out their bum, to put it bluntly. They hyped up Revelations as being a "New" game. Hopefully it'll be a big one though.

Chibi-Boy (guest) said:
ONM talk out their bum, to put it bluntly. They hyped up Revelations as being a "New" game. Hopefully it'll be a big one though.

Haha, you're absolutely right. I shouldn't get my hopes up, so I'll try not to : P

The notion of a new Zelda game for 3DS would be interesting, though probably saved for E3 but you never quite now with this new Nintendo.

Az - Bravely Default localisation would be ace, probably will be part of this one or the next methinks. Big enough for the headlines but not so much so to be saved for E3.

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