Namco Bandai Would Consider Ni no Kuni for Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.04.2013 10

Namco Bandai Would Consider Ni no Kuni for Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai aren't opposed to bringing Ni no Kuni to the Nintendo 3DS, according to a company exec.

The gorgeous collaboration between Studio Ghibli and Level-5, known locally as Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, was originally released in Japan on the Nintendo DS, with a companion book of magic spells. It revolves around a chap called Oliver who is involved in an accident and his mother passes away after saving him. His tears transform a doll, a gift from his mother, into a fairy known as Drippy who explains to Oliver that he can save his mother by saving a parallel world from an evil wizard.


Only the PlayStation 3 edition of Ni no Kuni was released outside Japan, but apparently Namco Bandai aren't ruling out releasing the game on the Nintendo 3DS, according to one company representative - it all depends on whether there's enough fan interest to bring the project over to Nintendo's newer handheld.

Would you like to enter the world of Ni no Kuni on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Ni no Kuni





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Yes, yes, and YES!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I would certainly buy it if it happened, the PS3 version is great and knowing what Level-5 accomplished on DS, this could turn out to be the best looking 3DS title yet.

With the right amount of marketing it could do pretty well too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Considering the DS original never came stateside & we got screwed with putting up with the ps3 version ONLY I'd say this had BETTER come to the states!! And we need to get the book too, that was a really cool element. Did the ps3 port require the book to beat the game too?

( Edited 13.04.2013 17:04 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Actualy I heard it really wasnt very good. :-/

Pretty, but a uninspired grindfest. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Actualy I heard it really wasnt very good. :-/

Pretty, but a uninspired grindfest.

Where the heck did you read that?
It has a slow start but it's pretty amazing and doesn't really require much grinding; plus it's got universally positive reviews. In an industry which generally dislikes JRPGs, when one gets universally positive reviews you know you're in for a treat.

( Edited 14.04.2013 15:05 by SuperLink )

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kingdom (guest) 15.04.2013#6

I completed it on PS3. Not a grindfest and not bad battle ai.

That's what people are saying but they're not playing it properly.

Good game, takes skill. You can level up to 70 before you take on the final boss or you can take it down at 50.

Depends if your l33t enough to work out the games systems, which I don't think gamefaqs has managed completely yet.

Not perfect, few criticisms but overall quite good. (and that's extremely high praise from me. few games get quite good.)


StudioGhibliForEver<3 (guest) 15.04.2013#7

Definitely! I can't afford a PS3, but I do have a 3DS. This needs to happen.

Nackey (guest) 30.04.2013#8

Support the cause for Ni no Kuni on Nintendo platforms!  (page in early stages, help support it to get it started).

tess (guest) 08.05.2013#9

3ds please

DC1997 (guest) 11.05.2013#10

This game would be quite an addition to 3DS gaming. I would say most people would purchase this game if it came to 3DS. I have seen the stunning artwork on the PS3 and I hope that it will bring indepth colour and 3D perspective to the game if it does get put the 3DS.

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