Online Wii Channels to be Switched off this June

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2013 6

Online Wii Channels to be Switched off this June on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Are you still enjoying the classic Wii Channels like News and Mii Contest? These will be switched off from the end of June.

Alongside playing the latest motion-controlled Games, the Wii has a suite of different apps available to players who want to digest information in an interactive way. Since day one players have been able to tap into the latest news, check the weather and more recently take part in Mii contests.

Nintendo are switching off a number of services, including messaging between friends on the Wii message board, from 28th June 2013.The affected apps will include:

  • Nintendo Channel
  • News Channel
  • Forecast Channel
  • Everybody Votes Channel
  • Mii Contest Channel
  • Exchanging Wii Message board messages
  • Exchanging Mii characters
  • Mii Channel data in some games
However the core Wii Shop channel and the activity log, "Today's Accomplishments" will continue to remain active.

What do you think of the move? Should Nintendo re-develop these apps for Wii U?

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...there's still so much I've yet to do.Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

The end of an era!

I really enjoyed using the "Everybody Votes Channel" and being able to see opinion divided up by state/country.

I also really liked the "Nintendo Channel" both for the videos and the cumulative game play stat tracker. It would be great if there was a way to access those stats even if the channel can no longer be used to view videos.

In regards to Wii U:
Exchanging Miis/Messages: Features that are already present on Wii U.
- Everybody Votes Channel: I would love for this to be ported over (and expanded). As stated above, probably my favorite. Perhaps it could also pull data from TVii since TVii sometimes displays polls.
Forecast Channel: A dedicated app isn't necessary, but maybe a subtle way of showing weather info like in Wara Wara Plaza? Nice, but really necessary to have though.
Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel: I still have this on my Wii Smilie
Mii Contest Channel: Could be implemented directly into the Mii app or separately.
- News Channel: Not necessary, especially with the great web browser.
Nintendo Channel: Largely become obsolete since the eShop features videos and there is a separate activity tracker.
- Photo Channel: Though it's not being shut down, a simple photo viewer would be great for viewing hi-res photos. The SD card slot is there, so why not?

This is why consoles suck nowadays. Half the features die when the system becomes out of date. Smilie

I'm not sure, but wouldn't  this make it impossible to unlock some of the artwork in Metroid Prime 3 (the friend tokens are required for certain unlocks)? Are there any features or unlocks in other games that become impossible to use because of this?

( Edited 12.04.2013 20:14 by Modplan Man )

Nintendo Channel was where the DS demos were :-/
Surely thats the most significant lose here?

We can get news/weather et all elsewhere. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Modplan Man said:
I'm not sure, but wouldn't  this make it impossible to unlock some of the artwork in Metroid Prime 3 (the friend tokens are required for certain unlocks)? Are there any features or unlocks in other games that become impossible to use because of this?
Yes it does... Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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