New Need for Speed: Underground from Criterion Rumoured

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2013 2

New Need for Speed: Underground from Criterion Rumoured on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Criterion have confirmed that the rumours are fake.

Incoming rumours today suggest that British studio Criterion may be working on a reboot of the 2003 classic Need for Speed: Underground.

A logo unearthed by the folk at EGM seems to suggest a return to the decade-old but well received concept, highlighting what looks like a potential London-based landscape for the unconfirmed project. It would likely take a similar approach to the developer's efforts in the 2010 reboot Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.

The rumour could certain align itself with the recent Criterion LinkedIn listings that point to another racer in development by the automobile experts.

What are your thoughts on rebooting Need for Speed: Underground?

Box art for Need for Speed: Underground

EA Black Box







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"Totally fake" according to Criterion.

xXxDominator/360 (guest) 19.04.2014#2

Put all race mode in one and make the game more longer than other known race games, but make it worth the effort and longer gameplay.

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