Latest 3DS Firmware Update May Have Improved System Performance

By Javier Jimenez 12.04.2013 3

Latest 3DS Firmware Update May Have Improved System Performance on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

3DS owners are reporting the latest 3DS firmware update, 5.0/1.0-11, has noticeably improved system performance. Framerates of formerly sluggish games, such as Rayman 3D, are said to be much improved after the update. Further, load times are said to be faster across the board.

The improvement is not isolated to a single title, as past updates have been. There seems to be a system wide performance improvement. Even system applications such as Mii Plaza and Puzzle Swap are said to have markedly faster. The general interface is also said to be improved.

While these reports are pleasantly unexpected, they are not shocking. There have been firmware updates that fixed issues with specific games in the past. Further, the 3DS received a firmware update not long after its launch which improved general system performance. It is surprising that Nintendo made no mention of the performance improvements in the firmware notes, though.

What do you say, Cubed3? Have you seen a performance improvement after the recent firmware update?

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Hmm... I popped in to the Mii Plaza the other day and it was definitely a lot smoother scrolling through all of my Miis than before the update.

Can't say for sure about any of my games performing better though.

I haven't noticed, but I've really only been playing Luigi's Mansion since so I don't really have something to compare to. I'll have to play around with other features tonight to see.

Definitely seems smoother, now all we need is the wii u update to speed things up Smilie

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