Take off with Disney's Planes as a Nintendo Wii U, 3DS Exclusive

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2013 5

Take off with Disney

Nintendo has confirmed an exclusive release for Disney's Planes on Nintendo Wii U, Wii, 3DS and DS this year.

The game will be the official accompaniment to the upcoming film release this summer, hitting August 6th, remaining exclusive to Nintendo platforms.

Enjoy the thrill of the skies and flight, following an expanded storyline on the events of the upcoming pixar film, a spin-off of the popular Cars franchise. The film itself is being co-produced by Pixar chief creative officer, the well renowned John Lasseter alongside DisneyToon and Disney Animation Studios.


Will you take off with Disney's Planes on a Nintendo format this year?

Box art for Disney Planes








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Planes? And I thought Cars was uninspiring. Boats next? :/

This should hold me off until a new Star Fox game comes out. (Just kidding. Nintendo, get to work on Star Fox already!)

Our member of the week

If the game ends up being similar to Pilotwings 64 in any form, this could be good Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
If the game ends up being similar to Pilotwings 64 in any form, this could be good Smilie.
Or Nintendo could just make a new Pilotwings game. Resort was great, but it needed FAR more content, like new islands and such.

*Waves hand* These are not the exclusives you are looking for...

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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