Fantasy Life Nintendo 3DS Ships Around 300,000 Units in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2013 3

Fantasy Life Nintendo 3DS Ships Around 300,000 Units in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After being practically sold out across Japan, Level-5's popular Nintendo 3DS project, Fantasy Life, has shipped over 300,000.

The gaming public in Japan went ever-so-slightly gaga when the much anticipated Level-5 and Brownie Brown RPG touched down in December last year, selling out fast in stores across the country.

Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino recently confirmed that until now around 300,000 units have been shipped to retailers and it's likely a majority of these have already been lapped up. After the success of the initial game, Level-5 are keen to expand the Fantasy Life franchise by developing it into a series.

Before all that though, Hino confirmed that Youkai Watch, another title for Nintendo 3DS, will be the company's major focus this year.

Would you like to embark on a localised Fantasy Life on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Fantasy Life

Brownie Brown







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What region is this talking about? It only mentions Japan, but I don't think it means Japan.

So NA or PAL?

Canyarion said:
What region is this talking about? It only mentions Japan, but I don't think it means Japan.

So NA or PAL?

It's not out (yet) outside Japan - here's hoping, though!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

TM in Europe already.

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