Batman Arkham Origins Heading to Nintendo Wii U, 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2013 4

Batman Arkham Origins Heading to Nintendo Wii U, 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The caped crusader returns in this year in the multiplatform Batman: Arkham Origins, including Nintendo Wii U and 3DS.

Warner Bros. today announced Batman Arkham Origins as a prequel to the previous critically acclaimed Batman games Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. Developed by WB Games Montréal, Arkham Origins is set several years prior to these titles and focuses on the rise of Gotham City's most notorious criminals. Instead of the rugged hero we know today, we play a younger and unrefined Batman who meets key characters in the Arkham universe for the first time.

Batman Arkham Origins will be available on Nintendo Wii U, alongside releases on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PS3.

On the handheld front, Origins will receive a spin-off for Playstation Vita and Nintendo 3DS. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate is a 2.5-D game developed by the folks at Armature Studio as a companion game to the HD release.

GameInformer magazine are featuring exclusive coverage for Origins over the coming month.

Image for Batman Arkham Origins Heading to Nintendo Wii U, 3DS

What do you think of the ideas in Batman Arkham Origins?

Box art for Batman: Arkham Origins

Human Head


Warner Bros.





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The lack of Rocksteady is worrying, plus what's the obsession with Arkham Asylum. If the games meant to be covering how he meets certain villains. I think it would be much more interesting to have a game that covers Batman Year One up until The Long Halloween. Arkham is interesting but do we really need 3 games based on it.

JayUK said:
The lack of Rocksteady is worrying, plus what's the obsession with Arkham Asylum. If the games meant to be covering how he meets certain villains. I think it would be much more interesting to have a game that covers Batman Year One up until The Long Halloween. Arkham is interesting but do we really need 3 games based on it.

Brand power I'm guessing, Arkham is no longer a piece of Batman lore in this instance but instead the title of a successful game series, it'll probably be used as such regardless of its relevance.

In the same way, I wouldn't be surprised if all future Elder Scrolls games were titled "Skryim" in some way just because Skyrim was so successful.

On a more positive note, I'm really liking the sound of the 3DS spinoff, could be the first game in the series I get into.

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Finally a new game announcement that includes the Wii U like it's normal!

Hell to the Yes! As long as WB build off the foundation that Rocksteady set this should still be a pretty good game. Armoured Edition was decent so WiiU version again for Origins. Smilie

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