Nintendo Celebrating Indie Development with Euro Wii U, 3DS eShop Sale

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.04.2013 2

Nintendo Celebrating Indie Development with Euro Wii U, 3DS eShop Sale on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

To celebrate all things indie development, Nintendo are discounting a range of games on the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS eShop.

This weekend, 13-14th April, a festival that celebrates indie video game development - iDÉAME - will be taking place in the Madrid. To celebrate, Nintendo Europe will cut the prices of top indie releases on the eShop from Thursday 11th April (except Toki Tori 2, which is already on sale).

The sale will run until 25th April, with the exception of Trine 2: Director's Cut, which ends 30th April.

Nintendo Wii U eShop SALE

  • Little Inferno - €4.49/£4.49 (Was €9.99/£8.99)
  • Nano Assault Neo - €6.49/£5.99 (Was €9.99/£8.99)
  • Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition - €7.49/£6.75 (Was €9.99/£8.99)
  • Puddle - €6.99/£6.29 (Was €9.99/£8.99)
  • The Cave - €8.99/£7.99 (Was €12.99/£9.99)
  • Toki Tori 2 - €13.49/£11.69 (Was €14.99/£12.99)
  • Trine 2: Director's Cut - €8.49/£6.99 (Was €16.99/£13.99) - Till 30th April

Nintendo 3DS eShop SALE

  • Mutant Mudds - €5.99/£5.39 (Was €8.99/£8.09)
  • Mighty Switch Force! - €4.49/£4.09 (Was €5.99/£5.39)
  • Art of Balance TOUCH! - €4.99/£4.49 (Was €6.99/£6.29)
  • Fun Fun Minigolf TOUCH! - €3.49/£3.19 (Was €4.99/£4.49)
  • Gunman Clive - €1.49/£1.49 (Was €1.99/£1.49)
  • Dress To Play: Cute Witches! - €1.99/£1.79 (Was €3.99/£3.59)

Nintendo are also expanding the eShop with three new releases to download this week, also available from Thursday 11th April.

Wii U eShop Releases

  • The Croods: Prehistoric Party! - €44.99/£35.99

3DS eShop Releases

  • The Croods: Prehistoric Party! - €34.99/£27.99
  • Cats and Dogs 3D: Pets at play - €29.99/£24.99

DSiWare eShop Releases

  • Clash of Elementalists - €4.99/£4.49
Which of these Nintendo Wii U and 3DS eShop titles will you be downloading this week?

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Eraser (guest) 08.04.2013#1

I was thinking of getting Mighty Switch Force, but which version would people recommend? I heard the Wii U version is harder, which puts me off, since I also heard the game was challenging to start with.

Eraser (guest) said:
I was thinking of getting Mighty Switch Force, but which version would people recommend? I heard the Wii U version is harder, which puts me off, since I also heard the game was challenging to start with.

I would honestly recommend the WiiU version, I'm sure it's only harder because there are more challenge stages in it after you complete the regular game, but there's more to do in it and more remixes of the awesome music too!

(plus, I heard it might be getting a patch with updates soon)

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