Criterion Working on Untitled Racing Game According to CVs

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.04.2013 4

Criterion Working on Untitled Racing Game According to CVs on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

LinkedIn sleuths have uncovered an untitled racing game in development at Criterion Games.

The creators of Burnout and recent developers of Need For Speed: Most Wanted recently wrapped up development on the Wii U edition of Most Wanted and it looks as if more four wheel love is due to hit later this year.

One LinkedIn profile, for a lead cinematic artist for marketing, states "Unannounced Racing Title" for EA Games 2013. Another lists the game as "Unannounced project", spelling out what might well be a new entry in the Need for Speed roster, perhaps an expansion pack or even a much anticipated return to the popular Burnout series. EA Gothenburg, now known as Ghost, is working on a new Need for Speed title that Criterion is said to be involved with in some way.

It may even become a two wheel affair, with rumblings that "Road Rash seems like a good fir for Criterion".

What do you think and are hoping for from a new Criterion racing game?

Box art for Need For Speed: Most Wanted








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I saw Criterion were hiring so its no suprise!

Pop (guest) 06.04.2013#2

Burnouit Burnout Burnout please!

Our member of the week

Alexander Ward at Criterion quizzed gamers on what they want from a Burnout Paradise 2 in a twitter post in January... Could mean they're working on it? But then they also said right afterwards that it was highly unlikely.

Meh... But surely they are aware of the huge demand for a sequel to that game.

I also saw it listed as an upcoming PS4 title in a paper magazine recently, although this could have been just them making stuff up, since that tends to happen in those...

( Edited 07.04.2013 00:16 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
kingdom (guest) 07.04.2013#4


Criterion + road rage = wet myself

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