Little Inferno Sells over 250,000 Copies Across Multiple Platforms

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.04.2013 2

Little Inferno Sells over 250,000 Copies Across Multiple Platforms on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tomorrow Corporation has revealed a strong performance for the multiplatform Little Inferno so far.

Speaking to Destructoid earlier this week, the studio confirmed that Little Inferno, which is available on Nintendo Wii U, PC and Apple iOS, has sold over 250,000 copies - digitally - across the globe. The once niche concept has certainly found its market for a game that relies on burning objects in a fireplace and not being for everyone at first glance. For more on Little Inferno, be sure to read our 9/10 review.

Have you tried Little Inferno on the Nintendo Wii U eShop yet?

Box art for Little Inferno

Tomorrow Corporation


Tomorrow Corporation





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Any idea how many of those copies were on WiiU?

When in doubt....Whip it out!

It's a really awesome game. I would definitely recommend it.

I would love to know Wii U specific sales as well. It's been in the Top #5 of the eShop pretty much since it was released (at least as of the last time I checked).

It was #2 for a while

( Edited 05.04.2013 17:06 by Sonic_13 )

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