Sales Roundup: Wii U Brightens in the UK and Japan

By Javier Jimenez 03.04.2013 16

Sales Roundup: Wii U Brightens in the UK and Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo seems to have finally stirred at least some interest in its new console, the Wii U, with the release of several major titles. Lego City Undercover, the surprisingly excellent and hilarious open world game, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and Need For Speed Most Wanted have got UK and Japanese gamers to find their way to the store for new consoles. In both territories Nintendo saw about a 10,000 unit increase in sales for the week, double the system's sales of the previous week.

Media Create reported an increase from 11,398 units to 22,829 units. UK numbers are more difficult to track, however the system was said to have jumped 2.25x the previous week's sales. Given the struggle Wii U has experienced in the UK, that's positive news for the Big N.

While Monster Hunter fell from grace this week, Lego City debuted at the 8th best selling software of the week, according to chart-track. That's a notable performance, given the small install base of the system. It's deserved sales for a very quality game. Also of note is Luigi's Mansion 2, which debuted at 5th on the charts! Again, deserved sales for a quality title.

Sony PR likes to call this kind of hardware sales increase "momentum". Let's see if Nintendo can keep up this momentum next week!

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Wasn't expecting LEGO City to even scrape the charts, not bad.

But holy crap guys, Dragon Quest X hits WiiU in Japan next week. I don't know if Nintendo or Square are ready for how well that's (probably) going to do.
Unless the Wii version was good enough to satisfy the DQ audience, but Japan love rebuying stuff so I think it'll be a very good week for WiiU in Japan.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

NFS Most Wanted didn't even enter UK Top 40. Nowhere was stocking it; some staff members had not even heard of it. In fact, it debuted at only No.5 in Wii U chart and is absent from the Wii U Top 10 this week, which is extremely bad news for Criterion and the work they put in to it. It's likely only sold a few hundred copies at best. You can't really afford to port games months later to Wii U and hope they sell. Stats like this prove that, as we all know, it's the exclusives that will sell on Wii U. Lego City is another reminder.

Well-deserved Luigi's Mansion debut. Seen a few ads on TV - quite well done ones at that, so well done, Nintendo. Shame they don't do any for Wii U games.

Already out! According to famitsu, DQX sold from 60-80% of it's initial shipment.

Media Create Sales: Week 13, 2013 (Mar 25 - Mar 31)

01./01. [3DS] Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (Nintendo) {2013.03.20} (¥4.800) - 110.840 / 390.991 (-60%)
02./00. [PSP] Fate/Extra CCC # (Marvelous AQL) {2013.03.28} (¥6.279) - 72.883 / NEW
03./06. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf # (Nintendo) {2012.11.08} (¥4.800) - 57.835 / 2.976.228 (+2%)
04./02. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 # (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.03.20} (¥8.190) - 56.457 / 331.082 (-79%)
05./00. [PSV] Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Marvelous AQL) {2013.03.28} (¥4.980) - 45.660 / NEW
06./00. [WIU] Dragon Quest X: Mezameshi Itsutsu no Shuzoku Online # (Square Enix) {2013.03.30} (¥6.980) - 33.302 / NEW
07./00. [PSP] Dungeon Travelers 2: Ouritsu Tokoshan to Mamono no Fuuin # (Aqua Plus) {2013.03.28} (¥6.090) - 31.738 / NEW
08./03. [PS3] Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 (Konami) {2013.03.20} (¥7.980) - 24.864 / 126.254 (-75%)
09./04. [PSP] Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 (Konami) {2013.03.20} (¥3.980) - 23.135 / 103.753 (-71%)
10./00. [WIU] Game & Wario (Nintendo) {2013.03.28} (¥4.935) - 22.491 / NEW

( Edited 03.04.2013 16:38 by Adam Riley )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Azuardo said:
NFS Most Wanted didn't even enter UK Top 40. Nowhere was stocking it; some staff members had not even heard of it. In fact, it debuted at only No.5 in Wii U chart and is absent from the Wii U Top 10 this week, which is extremely bad news for Criterion and the work they put in to it.

Wanna bet EA and Nintendo's little playground fallout is behind the total lack of pushing from either? Eesh.

Shame they don't do any for Wii U games.

Day 67, Nintendo still haven't sent any food or water for the WiiU, infact, we're beginning to doubt they're ever going to send help at all. Anyone. Is anyone out there? Please, if you can hear me, say something! Show a sign! Anything! Nintendooooo...!!

EDIT: Muramasa outsold DQX? Well, I know the Vita's doing pretty well in Japan atm but there goes a chunk of my optimism.

( Edited 03.04.2013 16:42 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's great news for Luigi's Mansion, seeing as its retailing at £39.99 its actually more than suprising that people are buying it!

Need for Speed looks really good so i am a little shocked that its not really getting any shelf space!

Need For Speed is doing well on the eShop though, across all territories. Difficult to say how many sales that is though.

It also did very well through the Origin store when they temporarily dropped the price to $29.99 during their "customer appreciation" sale.

So not all hope is lost for the title. I'm sure it did more than just a couple hundred sales.

The sooner Iwata gets ousted from Nintendo the sooner Nintendo can do what needs to be done to recover from the many years of odd business decisions. They've got a MOUNTAIN of false biased claims & ignorant stereo types to correct if they hope of regaining their crown & returning to the top. I see it taking at least 3-4 system generations of making constant impressive software & hardware business decisions to accomplish this....definately no less than 3 to shut the inexperienced Anti Nintendo crowd up that's for sure.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
The sooner Iwata gets ousted from Nintendo the sooner Nintendo can do what needs to be done to recover from the many years of odd business decisions.

I've said it before I'll say it again, Iwata is not the scapegoat you're looking for. Iwata is deep in the process of turning around and modernising a deeply deeply traditional Japanese company, the only reason you blame him is because that's how long it is to fix the crap that came before it.

Bad third party relations, awkward developer systems, that's all pre-Iwata era. If Iwata is ousted (and he hopefully will not be), expect things to get far worse before they continue get better. The Gamepad is Iwata, Miiverse is Iwata, Nintendo ID is Iwata, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei is Iwata, he is the progress Nintendo so sorely needs.

Ya can't just blame everything wrong with a company on one person and say "they're the only reason the company is like this". Things.. don't work that way at all.

Also, Nintendo is no stranger to success, they practically devastated 7th Gen with their market dominance. The whiff of majesty in Nintendo HQ is still very recent I assure you.

( Edited 03.04.2013 18:48 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I agree. Iwata is an extremely savvy and intelligent businessman who actually knows the software industry firsthand via decades of engineering work, unlike most executives at other big companies. Listen to any of his interviews or stockholder meetings, and you'll immediately see he knows exactly what he's talking about and he has a good direction for the company.

Getting rid of Iwata would be a huge mistake.

"Sony PR likes to call this kind of hardware sales increase "momentum"."
I don't think that sentence is right.

Good to see Nintendo do a bit better for a change!

Canyarion said:
"Sony PR likes to call this kind of hardware sales increase "momentum"."
I don't think that sentence is right.

Good to see Nintendo do a bit better for a change!


kingdom (guest) 04.04.2013#12

@SL I agree with most of what you're saying I'm pro-iwata, I think he's intelligent and a modernising force but nintendo systems were never as awkward to develop for as either sony or sega systems.

True the GC was an improvement for devs but sony takes the crown for tricky, badly designed systems.

I'm excited for the PS4. I think it looks sweet but lets not forget the ps1, ps2... oh and the ps3.

GC was trciky to program for, as it lacked programmable shaders. PS2 was a mess however it was popular, ergo it received support. Wii, being based on GC's architecture, was still tricky to program for and badly outdated in comparison to both PS3 and 360.

Wii U is a completely modern architecture and easier to program for. You haven't seen all the Wii U can do, for sure. Launch software is never indicative of all a system can do. It wasn't for Wii, for PS3, for 360, or most other systems.

Adam Riley said:
Already out! According to famitsu, DQX sold from 60-80% of it's initial shipment. 

Somebody needs to get this crucial piece of information out.  The media is blowing the low numbers out of proportion.  Hearing that it cleared 60-80% means that it isn't a total failure like the press is saying.

I know - people don't bother to research properly...DQX Wii U was never going to sell in the 100,000s straight away. It's already sold around 700,000-750,000 on Wii!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
I know - people don't bother to research properly...DQX Wii U was never going to sell in the 100,000s straight away. It's already sold around 700,000-750,000 on Wii!

And even if it sells out of its shipment, the HD version of the game already will have made its money back, right?  So S-E won't really consider it a failure nor a reason to drop support for WiiU at all.

Either way, though, it's saddening to make people think that DQX's "failure" will translate to even harsher times for WiiU, never mind that the system has already increased in Japan as you said.

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