Nintendo seems to have finally stirred at least some interest in its new console, the Wii U, with the release of several major titles. Lego City Undercover, the surprisingly excellent and hilarious open world game, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and Need For Speed Most Wanted have got UK and Japanese gamers to find their way to the store for new consoles. In both territories Nintendo saw about a 10,000 unit increase in sales for the week, double the system's sales of the previous week.
Media Create reported an increase from 11,398 units to 22,829 units. UK numbers are more difficult to track, however the system was said to have jumped 2.25x the previous week's sales. Given the struggle Wii U has experienced in the UK, that's positive news for the Big N.
While Monster Hunter fell from grace this week, Lego City debuted at the 8th best selling software of the week, according to chart-track. That's a notable performance, given the small install base of the system. It's deserved sales for a very quality game. Also of note is Luigi's Mansion 2, which debuted at 5th on the charts! Again, deserved sales for a quality title.
Sony PR likes to call this kind of hardware sales increase "momentum". Let's see if Nintendo can keep up this momentum next week!