Banjo-Kazooie Composer Hopes for Sequel on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.03.2013 12

Banjo-Kazooie Composer Hopes for Sequel on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ex-Rare composer Grant Kirkhope has a desire to join forces with previous Banjo-Kazooie staff and create a new entry in the series.

It's been a tricky life for bear and bird, with the migration from Nintendo to Microsoft leaving a marmite stain with fans. There's a clear divide with the most recent entry on Xbox 360, Nuts & Bolts, you either love it or loathe it.

Banjo-Kazooie series composer and music wizard Grant Kirkhope recently rekindled with love with the franchise on Game Grumps, expressing a desire for former staff to one day reunite, form a new company and create a true Banjo-Kazooie 3 for Nintendo on the Wii U.

Just make Banjo 3 like it should have been made back then and it would be great, and it would be great on Wii U, and all the ex-Rare guys would be together again all happy and kissing each other... I just keep thinking we should just give it a try.

Kirkhope and other team members previously setup an account on Twitter called @MingyJongo in order to gague interest in a "true" sequel to Banjo-Tooie.

Would you like to see ex-Rare staffers once again join forces to create a new Banjo-Kazooie adventure?

Box art for Banjo-Kazooie





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All well and said but i doubt Microsoft or indeed RARE would let one of their key franchises be sold...even if they don't utilise it!

Cracking interview as well, this. Fucking great guy.
But it's just another one of those pipe dreams. As said, would need to buy the license off MS first.

Nintendo really should invest in Banjo - could use the pair in the next Smash, could certainly develop a new game alongside the ex-Rare staffers. It would be gold, in many ways.

Nuts and Bolts, from the short play session I had, seems like complete bollocks - really took a massive Gruntilda dump over the much loved original and Tooie. Fuck Rare. Lucky most of the talent evaded that Kinect house.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Nintendo really should invest in Banjo - could use the pair in the next Smash, could certainly develop a new game alongside the ex-Rare staffers. It would be gold, in many ways.

Nuts and Bolts, from the short play session I had, seems like complete bollocks - really took a massive Gruntilda dump over the much loved original and Tooie. Fuck Rare. Lucky most of the talent evaded that Kinect house.

Nuts and Bolts was a TERRIBLE Banjo Kazooie game and I hate how they made Kazooie so handicapped. He had to use that stupid wrench and didn't have any of his own moves. Not only that, but there was very little platforming involved in it. The original and Tooie can easily hold their own up against the likes of Mario and Sonic, but Nuts and Bolts was just a kick in the nuts (pardon the pun!) to BK fans.

Kentray1985 (guest) 31.03.2013#5

I would love for this to happen because i am so tired and sick of what microsoft has done with rare and although I believe rare did sell out to microsoft I forgive you guys and its just time to make things right once and for all so go team rare and make history!!!

Kentray1985 (guest) said:
I would love for this to happen because i am so tired and sick of what microsoft has done with rare and although I believe rare did sell out to microsoft I forgive you guys and its just time to make things right once and for all so go team rare and make history!!!

Too late though, the team that you knew have left and gone. They are nothing but a mere shell of their former selves. 

AxY (guest) 31.03.2013#7

All of us want this, Wii U, wanted

I always thought Microsoft buying Rare was more about taking a bunch of exclusives away from Nintendo than actually wanting their games. Conker on the Xbox was cool, Kameo was okay, but it seems like from the very beginning they were pushing Rare away from the platformers that made them a success. When the Stamper brothers left, I assume it was out of frustration at being asked to make Banjo-Kazooie into... well, what Nuts and Bolts ended up being.

That they ended up doing generic, disposable Kinect games after the Stampers left just demonstrates how little interest in Rare's crown jewels Microsoft actually had. Given that we haven't seen so much as an iPhone game out of them since then, I'm thinking either the Stampers had to sign a non-compete which hasn't expired yet, or got so burned out by the Microsoft experience that they cashed in their stock options and retired.

At this stage, I'd be surprised if Nintendo came up with the cash Microsoft is going to want for these IPs that they'll never touch again because they're not brown and headshotty enough for Xbox players.

Would be amazing if it happened, I kinda lost hope after the GBA and Xbox games were such disappointments. Even Banjo & Kazooie in Smash Bros would be epic. Alas, my hopes aren't high. Smilie

KAWEEBO (guest) 01.04.2013#10





khsora (guest) 04.04.2013#11

This would make my chances of buying a wii u 100000000%

I want this to happen so much.

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