Nintendo 3DS Turns 2 Years Old in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2013 5

Nintendo 3DS Turns 2 Years Old in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's been two years of portable 3D gaming with the Nintendo 3DS celebrating its second birthday in Europe today.

On March 25th 2011 Nintendo released the successor to the DS console in Europe and after selling 113,000 units in its first two days in the UK, it became the company's most successful launch in the country.

There were two flavours available at launch - Cosmo Black and Aqua Blue, together with a fairly solid selection of games including Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition, Ridge Racer 3D, Nintendogs + Cats and Rayman 3D.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Turns 2 Years Old in Europe

However sales trickled and Nintendo made the decision to cut the worldwide price of the system, launching the 3DS Ambassador Program to compensate early adopters with ten free Game Boy Advance games to download.

The newer price, together with a growing catalogue of must have games - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land - Nintendo 3DS began to find a growing number of new adopters by the end of the year.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Turns 2 Years Old in Europe

2012 saw the trend continue, earning a high quality catalogue of 3D games throughout the year from both Nintendo and third parties. The eShop has also thrived, with a combination of download-only and retail releases gracing the system. Indie studios have pumped the Nintendo 3DS with eShop titles like Aero Porter, Colors! 3D, Dillon's Rolling Western and Pullblox.

Nintendo also launched the Nintendo 3DS XL (LL in Japan) during July/August 2012 offering a bigger base, screens and arguably more comfortable edges for those longer play sessions. Both the original and XL consoles still remain in production together.

With 2013 in full swing already, there's plenty in store for the Nintendo 3DS system this year and beyond.

Have you purchased a Nintendo 3DS or 3DS XL yet? What are your favourite 3DS titles so far?

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How bizarre i purchased it on it's 2 year anniversary! 

Disappointed overall, this second year hasn't been great so far, but thankfully AC and Fantasy Life are coming soon. When you get titles like that everything else appears to border on satisfactory. 

A system update is available today

I humped, yes humped, the box when our unit arrived at the C3 offices. Good times!

Glad it's taken off since, was looking worrying during 2011 really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wow, that's gone by quickly!
I've yet to pick one up, but I'm looking to buy one soon along with Luigi's Mansion.
I'm considering an XL version, anyone have any advice if it's worth the extra cash?

Cheesing it up said:
Wow, that's gone by quickly!
I've yet to pick one up, but I'm looking to buy one soon along with Luigi's Mansion.
I'm considering an XL version, anyone have any advice if it's worth the extra cash?

I have just purchased my XL the other day and have to admit i was probably so hesitant because I didn't like the 3D effect. In all honesty i still dont because my eyes simply just don't like it. I have perfect vision (according to the optician) but yet i still struggle to play a game or watch a movie in 3D without it straining my eyes.

What I am saying is to test it out in one of your local game shops first, most of them have some sort of thing you can look at, while the 3DS XL is quite bulky i think its looks a lot nice than the original 3DS.

I have bought this simply because of Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus , Luigi's Mansion and inevitably Smash Bros! Worth picking one up!

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