Ecco the Dolphin Gets Kickstarter Spirtual Sequel

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2013

Ecco the Dolphin Gets Kickstarter Spirtual Sequel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A spiritual sequel to Ecco the Dolphin, known as The Big Blue, is aiming to be funded by Kickstarter.

The creator of the popular SEGA series, Ed Annunziata, together with a team of some of the original development staff is aiming for $665,000 to fund development.

Image for Ecco the Dolphin Gets Kickstarter Spirtual Sequel

It's been over twenty years since Ecco leaped and dived into SEGA  Mega Drive/Genesis cartridge slots, but the most recent entry - Ecco the Dolphin 2 ended up being canned.

Players will experience the ocean like never before. The look and feel of this game will be strikingly beautiful and at the same time mysterious and terrifying. The ocean, especially a million years in the future, is the perfect setting for a unique game play experience.

The Big Blue is a new aquatic action adventure game from the team that created Ecco the Dolphin.

Bear McCreary (Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica) is being brought onboard to compose the musical score. Jon Berg, who designe the walkers in Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, will be working on big creatures in the game including sea dragons and Leviathans.

If the Kickstarter raises an additional 50%, the game will include multiplayer and co-operative, and if they double the amount, Big Blue will become an MMO as well.

Eager beavers can try a very early prototype, here.

The Big Blue will launch April 22, 2014. It's currently slated for PC, but the group are looking to work on versions for consoles - including Nintendo.


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