Need for Speed Wii U DLC Possible with Fan Support, Depends on Sales

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.03.2013 1

Need for Speed Wii U DLC Possible with Fan Support, Depends on Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

DLC options for Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Wii U will depend on Fan support, developer Criterion says.

The upgraded version of Most Wanted is hitting stores in Europe and North America this week and despite the additional Wii U features, comes with a bit of a snag - there aren't any plans to release recent DLC for Wii U players.

However DLC could become an option in the future depending on how well the game performs. In a conversion on Twitter, producer Alex Ward went on board to urge WIi U players to "Support the game. If the sales are there it makes sense to do the DLC. Simple as that."

Will you be hitting the streets with Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Nintendo Wii U this week?

Box art for Need For Speed: Most Wanted








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EA's Origin Store is selling the game for $29.99 right now:

EDIT: Anyone know of any promo codes for a further discount?

( Edited 20.03.2013 17:01 by Sonic_13 )

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