Chasing Aurora Wii U Gets Demo and 50% off Discount

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.03.2013

Chasing Aurora Wii U Gets Demo and 50% off Discount on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

You can now try out popular indie gem Chasing Aurora as a downloadable free demo that includes a sample of single and multiplayer modes.

Chasing Aurora, developed by Austrian developer Broken Rules, sees players taking on various birds who each fly about expansive 2D landscapes in a series of challenges. The game also boasts a solid multiplayer feature and was recently updated with support for the Wii U Pro controller and an improved single player feature.

Those unfamiliar or undecided can grab hold of a free demo of Chasing Aurora from today, which includes the multiplayer Freeze Tag feature plus four challenges for the solo player.

The game is also on sale on the Wii U eShop at 50% off ($7.49 / €5.99 / £5.39) until 21st Match for those eager to soar into the full experience.

Cubed3's Liam recently spoke to Felix Bohatsch, Co-Founder of Broken Rules on Chasing Aurora, how the studio developed the unique title for the Wii U plus plans for future projects.

Will you try out the Chasing Aurora demo or have you already downloaded the game?

Box art for Chasing Aurora

Broken Rules


Broken Rules





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