Zen Pinball 2 Rolling onto US Nintendo Wii U eShop March 21

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.03.2013 2

Zen Pinball 2 Rolling onto US Nintendo Wii U eShop March 21 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's time to crank those flippers as Zen Studios has confimed a US release date for the eagarly anticipated Zen Pinball 2.

Players will be able to download the base Zen Pinball 2 software for free and purchase additional themed tables at $3 each or a bundle of four tables for $10. Zen Studios has confirmed that a handful of tables will be available to purchase - including Plants vs. Zombies, a Marvel-based attraction and a Zen Classic Pack.

Each table will also come with a demo for those wanting a sample before downloading the complete range. The game and additional content will be available to download on the North American Wii U eShop from March 21st.

Will you roll out with Zen Pinball 2 on Wii U next week?

Box art for Zen Pinball 2





Table Games



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Finally! Hallelujah!

Finally. I've been waiting for this.

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