Team Meat Want Meat Boy in Super Smash Bros. Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.03.2013 16

Team Meat Want Meat Boy in Super Smash Bros. Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite a reluctance to develop for Wii U, Team Meat may reconsider if Nintendo include Meat Boy in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. installment.

Speaking to Eurogamer this week, Super Meat Boy creators Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes discussed future plans and whether or not they'd work on next-generation systems including Nintendo Wii U. The pair aren't keen to work on console platforms due to the "hoops you'd have to jump through to get on any one of the consoles, it's like, 'is this worth the time? Is this worth the headache?'"

Despite the reluctance, the pair would consider Nintendo Wii U with one condition - Nintendo include Meat Boy officially in the next Super Smash Bros. game.

Fans have already tinkered with Super Smash Bros. Brawl to include the Team Meat mascot via hack, but this would be an official addition to the new Wii U roster.

"I want Meat Boy to be in Smash Bros That would be the one reason I'd really want to develop for a Nintendo console. Nintendo are you listening? Smash Bros! We would ask for nothing in return. Just f***ing use the character. Put him in the game. It's free!"
Edmund McMillen

"That would be amazing! If they could guarantee us Meat Boy would be in Smash Bros., we would do something."
Tommy Refenes

Would you like to play as Meat Boy in the next Super Smash Bros. game? Make it so, Nintendo?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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After their (justified) negativity towards Wiiware, i don't see why Nintendo should feel compelled to include it in Smash Bros. It hasn't even appeared on a Nintendo system so far! Wouldn't make sense for the character to appear in it first before THEY start doing something for Nintendo.

They can't be seriously talking about this... Must be a joke. They know it won't happen, and they just throw that excuse to justify the fact they're ignoring Nintendo's successful online service at the moment (well at least eShop is doing fine on 3DS).

( Edited 09.03.2013 12:30 by RudyC3 )

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Korgoth (guest) 09.03.2013#2

I'm sorry, I'm still waiting for my Wii to get a version of Meat Boy.  I don't think I know of a single Team Meat game on a Nintendo platform

Why in the world would Nintendo put a character who isn't even affiliated with it's systems in Smash Bros?  A game composed totally of Nintendo staples should include Nintendo characters.

There are about a billion more deserving 3rd party charcaters, not to mention 1st and 2nd party characters who are far more deserving of being in Smash Bros. than Meat Boy.

While I loved Meat Boy when I played the flash version, I am disappointed in the level of audacity of Team Meat to make such a demand.  Go ask Sony to put Meat Boy in PS All Stars, oh wait you never bothered to put Meat Boy on the PS network either?

Meat Boy only qualifies to be on Microsoft's Patry Fighter... oh, wait they don't have one.

To be fair, the only justification for Snake being in there was a PS1 remake from four years prior. He is hardly a Nintendo staple by any stretch of the imagination. I'd love to see a deal struck up for Meat Boy to be in there in exchange for support. I wouldn't buy SMB again, but I'd love to play Binding of Isaac if Nintendo allows it on. Meat Boy suits Smash Bros. perfectly. Of course the likelihood of this happening is practically zero...

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Lynk said:
To be fair, the only justification for Snake being in there was a PS1 remake from four years prior. He is hardly a Nintendo staple by any stretch of the imagination. I'd love to see a deal struck up for Meat Boy to be in there in exchange for support. I wouldn't buy SMB again, but I'd love to play Binding of Isaac if Nintendo allows it on. Meat Boy suits Smash Bros. perfectly. Of course the likelihood of this happening is practically zero...

The only reason he got in was because Hideo Kojima is friends with Sakurai. Meatboy can jog on after team meats attitude towards developing games on Nintendo consoles.

Indie Cindy (guest) 09.03.2013#5

CommanderVideo would be a more deserving indie character, since the Bit.Trip games were exclusive to Nintendo consoles at first and still release on them.

Dear nintendo if you give us unprecedented free advertisement for our IP we will put a port of Super Meat boy onto the wii U to along with all the other dated ports the wii U seems to get. If you want our next IP that we are working on we will require 500,000 dollars in unmarked bills.

PS we love you

Actually Lynk there were 2 Metal Gear games on the NES so Solid Snake has been on Nintendo systems before the GC remake of Solid.

Yeah these guys seem to have an ego they aren't even aware of...Nintendo doesn't HAVE to put SMB in Smash if they don't want to & since he hasn't even shown up on a Nintendo system he doesn't even meet the ONE basic requirement for a third party character to be in Smash Bros. Sure it's free for Nintendo to use they say....but it's also extra work for Sakurai to add him in Smash & his hands are hurting enough as it is.

( Edited 09.03.2013 16:25 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
MutantMonkey (guest) 09.03.2013#8

I've been a Smash Bros fan since the original on the N64. There are far too many worthy characters not previously included. I find the idea of this nobody character being in a well polished Nintendo title full of top rate video game characters ridiculous!

maddoggwolfie (guest) 09.03.2013#9

both of you are wrong. Metal Gear  was on the Nes and game boy a decade (Thats 10 years) before the Playstation was even released. In fact there was 2 metal gear games for the nes.

Startus (guest) 09.03.2013#10

If anybody is to deserve a spot on the new Super Smash Brothers, Any Ubisoft character should be is a valid candidate. Ubisoft is the only third party so far that has had faith in the Wii U despite its short-comings.  

Only Nintendo characters and famous classic video game characters that have appeared on Nintendo systems should appear.

Sonic and Snake fit the bill.
Meat Boy does not (not even close).

Mega Man would be a good fit
(or Pac-Man since Namco is helping and Pac-Man has been in Mario Kart. The Ghosts would be an awesome Assist Trophy) 

Alex (guest) 09.03.2013#12

I'd rather have as few non-Nintendo characters as possible, otherwise it starts to compromise what made the game charming to begin with - all your favourite Nintendo characters duking it out. There's still plenty for them to draw from in terms of Nintendo franchises, so I can't see them adding Meat Boy, nor would I want them to.

Startus (guest) said:
If anybody is to deserve a spot on the new Super Smash Brothers, Any Ubisoft character should be is a valid candidate. Ubisoft is the only third party so far that has had faith in the Wii U despite its short-comings.  

As far as showing thanks to third party company support yeah I agree & honestly I'd say Rayman is classic enough to warranty a Smash Bros. release as well. Ubisoft has been faithful to Nintendo for quite awhile & is always up for being one of the starting companies that provides titles on day one. Thanks Ubi, even if not many other people realize this about you guys.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Couldn't care less for MeatBoy. There are a ton of Nintendo characters that have never made the bill! 

Surely Shulk from Xenoblade and Aeron from Pandora's Tower should be in the new Smash above Meat Boy. If i were Nintendo i'd fling in more characters, even if they were clones of others. 

More Metroid characters would be great, maybe one or two from Hunters? Ridley or Kraid? 

Donkey Kong characters such as K.Rool, Dixie Kong at least?

Mario characters such as Waluigi, Toad, Baby Bowser?

I could go on and on and on from other franchises!

And Meat Boy thinks he's got a chance?....Jog on!

Yeah I was aware of the NES versions. The Smash version is clearly known from the PlayStation games though. And I know they're friends, I was just pointing out that there is less reason for Snake than there would be for Viewtiful Joe for example, if you look at it from the perspective of what system are they really associated with.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Lynk said:
Yeah I was aware of the NES versions. The Smash version is clearly known from the PlayStation games though. And I know they're friends, I was just pointing out that there is less reason for Snake than there would be for Viewtiful Joe for example, if you look at it from the perspective of what system are they really associated with.

At the end of the day Sakurai has final say, Snake got in because Hideo Kojima practically begged for him to be included. Sonic got in because of fan demand. Viewtiful Joe doesn't have the kind of support Sonic does, and Capcom isn't begging for him to be included so he's unlikely.

I'd love to see Travis Touchdown get a spot in the game, Suda51 is friends with Sakurai and he's on the special thanks section of Brawl. I really hope Aeron from Pandora's Tower also makes the cut, mainly because I think his moveset could be interesting.

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