Infernal Mode Trailer for Resident Evil Revelations

By Az Elias 05.03.2013

Infernal Mode Trailer for Resident Evil Revelations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The upcoming HD port of Resident Evil Revelations will include a nigh-impossible difficulty setting called Infernal Mode, that only the most daring of players will want to attempt to conquer.

This new mode features different enemy and item placements, and is "extremely difficult," according to the in-game description.

The console and PC version of Resident Evil Revelations contains many new features and enhanced graphics, and will be available as both a retail disc and digital download.


Resident Evil Revelations releases on Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on May 21st in North America, May 23rd in Australia and Japan, and May 24th in Europe.

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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