Resident Evil Revelations 3DS Xbox 360 Comparision

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.03.2013 6

Resident Evil Revelations 3DS Xbox 360 Comparision on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Along with bonus content in the HD Resident Evil Revelations release the games are getting spruced up, but by how much?

Resident Evil Revelations looks rather sublime on the Nintendo 3DS, boasting the traditional mood and sense of unrelenting fear from the original PlayStation entries. With a boost in power from home consoles, the re-release includes a sharper textured world and improved lighting yet still maintaining the design from the original.

One fan has popped both the Nintendo 3DS version together with the enhanced HD edition (running on the Xbox 360) as a comparison for the graphically curious:


What do you think of the changes in the HD Resident Evil Revelations remake?

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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HD version looks great. 3DS version isn't much worse; it's a powerful little machine.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Honestly.... Still like the 3DS look better, I can choose 3d or no 3d. 

I can't see much difference between them apart from the Xbox version looking a bit  (understandably) sharper. I think the 3DS's 3D makes it more emmersive, but I can see lure of enjoying it on the big screen. I've played the 3DS version to death (around 140 hours) and find it hard to justify buying it again, but  if there are plenty of extras I might just. I love the game. 

Our member of the week

Yeah, it's still arguably the best looking game on 3DS so far. Makes you wonder why other games look so bad, especially in the texture department. Didn't like the look of MH3 compared to the Wii version and that's made by Capcom too!

Played the 3DS game to death as well, especially online Smilie. I gotta say I'd like diving in again, as long as the online is much improved (less lag, glitches preventing you from moving forward with your partner, etc...)

heck, raid mode in more than two players would be sweet Smilie! But I won't hold my breath for that.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RE:R has much more of a close enviroment so its somewhat easier to look awesome.

That said, MH3 looks worse then Xenoblade too, and thats got wayyyyyyy bigger more seamless enviroments, so clearly the engine isnt as good as it could be.
(remember also the 3DS has a lot more ram then the Wii too) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Wow other than lighting & some textures there really isn't much difference...goes to show how good the original looked. Who needs or even WANTS the Vita with high graphics & TRUE 3D that this system can provide!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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