CV Suggests New Multiplatform Wii U Ubisoft Project

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.03.2013

CV Suggests New Multiplatform Wii U Ubisoft Project on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More LinkedIn sleuthing this week suggests that Ubisoft is working on a new multiplatform project that includes Nintendo Wii U.

Uncovered by NeoGAF earlier this week was the profile of Gregory Raichi, a physics programmer at Ubisoft Montpellier who had worked on the physics engine for Wii U launch title Zombi U from March 2011.

The latest entry in his experience list began last November for a "full physics related project" with development targeting Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Wii U.

Whatever the project could be, expect more details in the coming months or at this year's E3 Expo.

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