Capcom Hope for Monster Hunter Western Breakthrough

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.03.2013 6

Capcom Hope for Monster Hunter Western Breakthrough on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With two high profile Monster Hunter releases on the way, Capcom hopes that the games will cement the series appeal in the West.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is slaying its way onto the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U this march, and whilst the franchise thrives in home Japan, it's had moderate success in North America and Europe.

With added online play and cross-platform compatibility, Capcom is hoping for a "breakthrough. That's definitely our intention".

Capcom are also treating Western gamers to a major patch shortly after launch that introduces off-screen and worldwide cross-region online play. For a slice of Monster Hunter why not download the demo on the Wii U or 3DS eShop from today and read our Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U preview and 3DS preview.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is an amazing game. We've put so much effort into it. It's my baby. So before you talk about my next baby, I'd like you to love my first baby.

Ryozo Tsujimoto, Monster Hunter producer

Will you join the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate campaign? If so, on Nintendo Wii U or 3DS?

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G HD Ver.









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I'm most likely going to buy both versions of MH3U, but honestly if they want a "breakthrough" maybe they should release a new game (MH4) instead of giving us the game we already got.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I'm gonna get digital copies for both, got a 32GB Micro SD in my 3DS and will be getting a 3 Terrabyte HD for the Wii U once they confirm that ability for my black 32GB Deluxe Model.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

justonesp00lturn said:
I'm most likely going to buy both versions of MH3U, but honestly if they want a "breakthrough" maybe they should release a new game (MH4) instead of giving us the game we already got.
Definitely. If Capcom is really serious about Monster Hunter's success in the west, why aren't they releasing the next legitimate installment? As good as the Ultimate versions are, Capcom needs more than that.

Unless, they're full of it and they have reservations about supporting Nintendo's current platforms. It is Capcom after all.

( Edited 03.03.2013 20:58 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
I'm most likely going to buy both versions of MH3U, but honestly if they want a "breakthrough" maybe they should release a new game (MH4) instead of giving us the game we already got.
Definitely. If Capcom is really serious about Monster Hunter's success in the west, why aren't they releasing the next legitimate installment? As good as the Ultimate versions are, Capcom needs more than that.

Unless, they're full of it and they have reservations about supporting Nintendo's current platforms. It is Capcom after all.

I don't see how Capcom needs more than that. The G versions of each generation are the best games because they contain the by far most content and an additional difficulty called the G rank. If they're talking about a "breakthrough", then they surely mean increasing their fanbase and new players won't care or even know that it's not a completely new game at its core. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (essentially 2G) also happens to be the best selling MH game outside of Japan and wasn't a new generation either.

What they really need is a way to somehow convey the appeal of the series in a demo but that's an extremely hard task when the games don't get most people hooked until 5-10 hours in. A tutorial demo made specifically for newcomers would be a good idea but the main problem still remains; MH is not a series you can "get" in less than an hour.

NobunagasHaircutsAmbition (guest) 04.03.2013#5

If Capcom want the MH series to break through in the West, they need to make the games more accessible and user friendly. As it is now, it takes far too much time to get into the games, and they are honestly too clunky to handle. I can see why some people are appealed to these games, but I just don't have the patience for them, as they are now.

SirLink said:
I don't see how Capcom needs more than that. The G versions of each generation are the best games because they contain the by far most content and an additional difficulty called the G rank.

This. When it comes to 'polish' the G versions ('Ultimate') are just fine. In some ways one could argue it's better this way as in Japan the series come across more "milked". Original + addon content and you have the Ultimate version. Sounds good to me.

It's biggest flaw as some people have suggested here is the lack of proper tutorial, or knowledge base which would ease people in on the playing technique and concept. It feels like the early days of 1st person shooter on PC where people were smashing buttons and running around like headless chickens, thinking 1st person shooters are "just another" arcade style shooting games.

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