The Conduit HD Heading to Mobile Tegra Devices

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.03.2013 3

The Conduit HD Heading to Mobile Tegra Devices on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Original Wii FPS The Conduit is returning, but as a mobile HD port on NVIDIA Tegra devices.

The original game is being spruced up in HD for portable devices that support the technology, including some Android phones and tablets - with the first two levels free and remaining missions at additional cost.

The Conduit was released in 2009 with fairly lukewarm reviews, praising controls but finding the experience itself repetitive.

A Nintendo 3DS version has been planned, but the studio have remained quiet since.

With the game remade in this way, should High Voltage consider releasing an HD version of the midly successful Wii release on the Wii U?

Box art for The Conduit

High Voltage




First Person Shooter



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Boy, I'd LOVE to see HD remakes of both Conduit games released as digital downloads for Wii U. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I have it for Wii and nobody will even pay me €5 for it. I tried the game twice, but it gave me incredible headaches and nausea after playing for 30 minutes. And the game was boring.

So no, I'm not going to spend another cent on The Conduit.

This is cool, I hope they make Conduit 3 for Wii U soon or even a side story on the 3DS for us to prepair us for C3 later on.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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