Ubisoft Has "Pipeline of High Quality Games" for Wii U

By Javier Jimenez 10.02.2013 8

Ubisoft Has "Pipeline of High Quality Games" for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo Land, Zombi U, New Super Mario Brothers U, Nano Assault Neo, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Lego City Undercover, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 and... well, not Rayman Legends. Those are the exclusives for Wii U up through summer 2013. Not enough? Well, Yves Guillemot, Ubisoft founder and CEO, has stated that his company has a "a pipeline of games of very high quality coming on that machine". Guillemot gave no word on what those games were, however he sounded supportive of the system in general.

Regarding the Wii U's market position, Guillemot stated "they will make the necessary changes to the machine to make sure that it continues to grow fast on the market." Ubisoft has been Nintendo's most active 3rd party outside Japan since the launch of the Nintendo Wii. While the news regarding Rayman Legends is disappointing to many fans, it seems Ubisoft will not stop supporting Nintendo's newest machine. Perhaps something like Watch Dogs or Southpark is on its way? We'll have to wait and see.

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All will be forgiven if watch dogs comes over, Same with south park. Those two games look very good. Still dont understand why the wii u cant have a timed exclusive Rayman. 

Finally some positive Wii U news...
I bet he must feel guilty about the whole Rayman Legends affair.

I just want the two games mentioned there, South park stick of truth and Watchdogs. I just want to see a Nintendo console getting the same treatment as others when it comes to munti platform titles.

You know what?! I just watched the new trailer for lego city and Im going to use the money for Rayman to purchase that. Have just bought the limited edition Ni No Kuni I cant afford too many games. From March onwards I have 101, pikmin and Lego to look forward to. 

Sketchy (guest) 10.02.2013#5

Yeah... probably the toilet pipeline.

If Watch_Dogs comes to Wii U I will love you forever Ubisoft.

I would buy both Watch Dogs and South Park on Wii U (and only Wii U).

I would like to see South Park! Now that would be great! I still need to see more about this though!

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