Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate's Online is Region-Locked

By Az Elias 08.02.2013 15

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Monster Hunter producer Ryozo Tsujimoto has confirmed to Gamereactor that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has region-locked online multiplayer. This means Europeans can only play with other Europeans, whilst Japanese and North American players will also only be able to play with those in their regions.

This will come as unfortunate news for those Europeans and North Americans who were planning on monster hunting together. Capcom representatives understand fans' unhappiness and will pass the feedback along, but it is unlikely to change anything.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate launches on March 19 in North America, March 22 in Europe and March 23 in Australia on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G HD Ver.









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Awww that's too bad, I was looking forward to hunting with some people from C3.

Darkflame (guest) 08.02.2013#2

I wish they would tell us why :-/

Lame. All three should be integrated. 

This almost feels as if it negates the point of online. I do have friends I'll play with in NA, but I also have some in Europe. I don't even see a point in doing this. Region-locking a game I can understand, but not the online play.

ScreamoPichu said:
This almost feels as if it negates the point of online. I do have friends I'll play with in NA, but I also have some in Europe. I don't even see a point in doing this. Region-locking a game I can understand, but not the online play.

Agreed. That's what online always has and always should be about. I don't play this series, but I know I'd be really pissed off at this if I did. Have always been pissed off at online region-locking with any game.

I guess at least there'll be less chances of lag.

Still, it'll be a damn good game if the past installments are anything to go by. On PSP it was amongst the most demanding game (in terms of technical ability) in its entire software line up, I couldn't believe a game of this level existed on a handheld device. I remember thinking that a handheld has finally come to its own to match a desktop/home console level of sophistication and depth. I have to say this online issue hardly dents my expectation of the series.

Powdered Water said:
I have to say this online issue hardly dents my expectation of the series.

I agree, though I would like to know what the hell Capcom was thinking after many fans requested worldwide servers since it was the same case for Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii. It's disappointing but thankfully the series is popular enough to ensure that there won't be a lack of other players to hunt with in any region. Monster Hunter Tri had 1500-3000 people online over a year after its release when I played it, so I'm not too worried.

Azuardo said:
ScreamoPichu said:
This almost feels as if it negates the point of online. I do have friends I'll play with in NA, but I also have some in Europe. I don't even see a point in doing this. Region-locking a game I can understand, but not the online play.

Agreed. That's what online always has and always should be about. I don't play this series, but I know I'd be really pissed off at this if I did. Have always been pissed off at online region-locking with any game.

Do other online games have online region-locking? (This is the first I've heard of it.)

ScreamoPichu said:
Do other online games have online region-locking? (This is the first I've heard of it.)

Thankfully, not too many. Mario Strikers Charged and Metal Gear Solid 4 spring to mind.

ScreamoPichu said:
This almost feels as if it negates the point of online. I do have friends I'll play with in NA, but I also have some in Europe. I don't even see a point in doing this. Region-locking a game I can understand, but not the online play.

Idk if it's that serious. While I would love to hunt with alot of long time c3 members, I wouldn't pass up on being able to play with my friends in NA that i've none for much longer.

Powdered Water said:
Still, it'll be a damn good game if the past installments are anything to go by. On PSP it was amongst the most demanding game (in terms of technical ability) in its entire software line up, I couldn't believe a game of this level existed on a handheld device. I remember thinking that a handheld has finally come to its own to match a desktop/home console level of sophistication and depth. I have to say this online issue hardly dents my expectation of the series.

Yeah I agree, but if people chose not to purchase the game for this very reason it's not like they need sales outside of Japan seeing as we all (that's global not including Japan itself) account for less than 30% of the total sales. Yeah companies love money but if anything goes wrong with sales outside of Japan Capcom would stop sending this series to the west.

Hmm yes, that's true. Point taken on the online matter. I suppose what you guys are pointing at is more a problem of overall long-term strategy of the marketting and sales of the series in terms of propagating the MH brand in the west, and I see what you mean by that.

(Random thought) Does the Japanese version have online region-locking as well?

ScreamoPichu said:
(Random thought) Does the Japanese version have online region-locking as well?

Yeah, says in the news post. All regions are locked.

Azuardo said:
ScreamoPichu said:
(Random thought) Does the Japanese version have online region-locking as well?

Yeah, says in the news post. All regions are locked.

...................just noticed that. '-'

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