Sniper Elite V2 Has Been Confirmed for Wii U

By Javier Jimenez 07.02.2013

Sniper Elite V2 Has Been Confirmed for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sniper Elite V2 made waves last year with its ultra-detailed sniping action, including slow-mo "x-ray" kill shots that show bullets smashing through an enemy's muscles and bones. Its semi-realistic sniping, which includes bullet drift and gravitational pull were lauded as a step above regular shooting action, wherein bullets travel straight and true no matter the distance or weather conditions. Well, 505 Games has announced that they'll be bringing Sniper Elite V2 to the Nintendo Wii U.

This isn't just a simple port-hack job like some of the Wii U launch titles, though. The press release states that the company will be including some interesting GamePad ideas. Check it out:

"Players will enjoy the same thrilling, visceral experience as they guide American OSS agent Karl Fairburne around historical locations throughout Berlin and attempt to unravel the mysteries and dangers of the German V-2 rocket program but now with even greater tactical depth and flexibility thanks to brand new functionality through the GamePad - tag enemies and booby-traps, track enemy locations and activity, even monitor the blast radius of planted explosives - all with a glance at the touch screen and without leaving the battlefield for even a second."

Sniper Elite V2 is scheduled for Spring 2013.

Box art for Sniper Elite V2








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