South Korean Animal Crossing New Leaf Nintendo 3DS Adverts

By Seungik Lee 03.02.2013 1

South Korean Animal Crossing New Leaf Nintendo 3DS Adverts on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst Animal Crossing: New Leaf on Nintendo 3DS has yet to launch in Western countries, Nintendo Korea has confirmed that Animal Forest: Jump Out (튀어나와요 동물의 숲) the newest in the popular series will be released on 7th February in South Korea.

This series is favourably reviewed in Japan and has sold extremely well, reaching over 2.7 million in sales after only around two months since its release (0.6 million coming from eShop downloads alone). As a Nintendo 3DS game it is the first based in a 3D environment and enables the player to customise their own village, building various facilities or carrying out work. Moreover, the players are able to not only choose to wear whatever they choose in terms of clothing but also decorate the exterior of their house in their own personal style so that they can show off their personality.
Through wireless communication play and the Nintendo Network, therefore, there is much fun to be had when visiting others' villages and looking around someone else's house when playing together.

Image for South Korean Animal Crossing New Leaf Nintendo 3DS Adverts

Additionally, a special designed Nintendo 3DS XL Animal Crossing bundle will be in sale on the same day (₩318,000, approximately £187). This special edition has the software already pre-installed on the included SD card, so that it can be played immediately without changing game cards.

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Clearly Nintendo is eager to push the 3DS in Korea as quickly as possible. I love how certain games are being pre-installed on SD cards - great idea!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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