Gaijin Games Sets Runner 2 Wii U Release Date

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.02.2013

Gaijin Games Sets Runner 2 Wii U Release Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Gaijin Games have set a release date for the upcoming Nintendo Wii U eShop sequel to Bit.Trip Runner.

Fans should start collecting digital credit for Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (or Runner 2 as it's better known) is heading to online download networks on 26th February.

Runner 2 invites platforming fans into a HD world spread across five distinctive worlds each with 14 standard and five bonus stages. The goal is simple and continues the auto-scrolling theme; your character runs automatically and it's down to you to jump, slide and hang from rails to arrive intact at the finish line.

The Nintendo connection doesn't stop at a Wii U release, with the game's cut-scenes and menus narrated by Charles Martinet - the voice of Mario, Luigi and many other Nintendo characters.

Box art for Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Also known as

Bit.Trip Presents...Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien






2D Platformer



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