Darksiders Creators Honour The Legend of Zelda in Tribute Artwork

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.01.2013 10

Darksiders Creators Honour The Legend of Zelda in Tribute Artwork on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Vigil Games, who is facing struggles this week after the dissolving of THQ, has posted a tribute to The Legend of Zelda.

The creators of the popular Darksiders series have cited Nintendo's iconic adventure series The Legend of Zelda as one of their inspirations for their games, and have high praise for the latest entry from Nintendo, Skyward Sword. The THQ marketing team put together a sweet tribute to the The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword during the development of Darksiders 2.

During the launch of Darksiders II for Wii U, we crafted tribute art around the Darksiders franchise as a tip of the hat to one of our favorite games. We felt the community and fans of both Vigil and Darksiders should get to see these awesome pieces of work.

Image for Darksiders Creators Honour The Legend of Zelda in Tribute Artwork

What do you think of the artwork and Darksiders series? Are you hoping another studio is able to pick up the rights to the franchise?

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This is kinda really sad, knowing they're gone now and they post this Smilie Zelda must have been really important to them..

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Sketchy (guest) 26.01.2013#2

Can Nintendo buy them?

Sketchy (guest) said:
Can Nintendo buy them?

They could, but Nintendo have a policy not to buy third party developers, I think Monolithsoft was an exception.

Still, I guess other publishers might look into buying the rights to the IP.

( Edited 26.01.2013 13:44 by Stulaw )

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Apparently Platinum Games are looking into it, I hope they do so before the team scatters and such :c it already sucks for them to have lost their jobs.

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Platinum Games is looking to buy the Darksiders IP, not the development studio 

JayUK said:
Platinum Games is looking to buy the Darksiders IP, not the development studio 

Wait really? What a kick in the nuts for the devs :c

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I read they were interested in both the IP and the developer.
The God of War developer apparently also showed interest.

Canyarion said:
I read they were interested in both the IP and the developer.
The God of War developer apparently also showed interest.

Independent developers(ones that aren't also publishers) rarely if ever buy studios. They don't have the resources.

Jeff B (guest) 29.01.2013#9

Crytek hired the developers from Vigil Games, but still left the Darksiders IP by the way side.  The IP is still up for grabs (I think).  Hopefully Platinum Games will pick it up, although I worry that without the original team, it won't be the same.  Smilie

I feel Dark Siders is too similar to Bayonetta. They're both action-adventure games. Why spread your team over 2 franchises while you could be concentrating on one?

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