Luigi's Mansion 3DS Box Art Revealed for Europe; Retains Original Title

By Az Elias 26.01.2013 6


The sequel to Luigi's first ghost buster is due out in March in all regions, and will be launching in North America under the name of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. However, the final box art revealed for Europe today shows that the game will be keeping the title it was originally known as, and indeed has continued to be known as in this part of the world, as well as Japan: Luigi's Mansion 2.

Image for Luigi

What do you make of the final box art for Europe? Do you prefer the simpler, implied-sequel title of Luigi's Mansion 2, or would you have rather had the subtitled version of Dark Moon that North America will get?

Box art for Luigi's Mansion 2
Also known as

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon


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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I was kind of disappointed when I heard the name changed. Dark Moon sounds fine, but I prefer 2 since it makes it sound like a proper sequel.

And I guess that only affects me and fellow North American gamers........

( Edited 26.01.2013 03:36 by ScreamoPichu )

I like named sequels because it gives them more of their own identity, rather than just "the sequel to the original".

I've noticed that NA gamers pay a lot more attention to numbered sequels, and often view subtitled sequels as expansions, fillers, or not true sequels.

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It doesn't change a single way I feel about the game, though. I'm still super excited for it.

Honestly didn't know that - thought it was Dark Moon globally - hmm. I think "2" looks nicer but I do like the sound of Dark Moon really.

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I don't mind either way to be honest but I like the box art with the 2! Really looking forward to this game and it seems like it will be a lot larger than the first which I also enjoyed a heck of a lot!

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