Video Guide: How to Play Two Players on the Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.01.2013 11

Video Guide: How to Play Two Players on the Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Wii U Virtual Console supports a wide range of controllers - from Wii U GamePad to Wii Remote, making multiplayer a tad tricky. Our quick guide tells you how to setup multiplayer if using a Wii U GamePad and another Wii Controller.

Running Virtual Console games in multiplayer mode on the original Wii was a snap. Each Wii Remote is assigned to a controller port on the console automatically, so whoever wanted to be first player would grab the set remote.

On the Wii U the GamePad takes on the priority of player number one, but if using a Wii Remote or Classic Controller, it also assigns itself to first player position. Confused we tried to resync the Wii Remotes to the system in order to set them as player two for Virtual Console games like Balloon Fight, yet the Wii U automatically assigns the Wii Remote to first player.

In a nutshell it leaves the GamePad and Wii Remote fighting for who's player number one, but this can be quickly remedied.

How to re-assign the GamePad to a Different Port

Image for Video Guide: How to Play Two Players on the Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console
In order to play multiplayer games using a GamePad and another controller at the same time, you must re-assign the GamePad to a different controller port - in the case of NES games, port two.
  • Tap the touch screen whilst running a Virtual Console game.
  • Select the controller assignment tab (top right of the touch screen)
  • From here, click on the port to assign the GamePad to.


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Those look like Iwata's hands.

Image for

That's because he came over for some dinner and recorded this shizzle Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Surely they can simplify this with a patch, i'd expect a fix before the VC proper launches.

Mystic (guest) 02.06.2013#4

What about for an SNES game? I tried following the steps but the wii remote shuts off and won't come back on. I know the batteries are ok because I just replaced them. I don't understand why I can't get to play a two player with Super Mario World.

isn't super mario world a one player game, i'm pretty sure in two player you just take it in turns to play a level.

Our member of the week

Mystic (guest) said:
What about for an SNES game? I tried following the steps but the wii remote shuts off and won't come back on. I know the batteries are ok because I just replaced them. I don't understand why I can't get to play a two player with Super Mario World.

SNES games require a classic controller (either a Wii U Pro controller, or Wii classic controller, PRO or not). There would never be enough buttons on a Wii remote to map all the buttons present on a SNES pad

It was already the case on the Wii VC by the way.

( Edited 03.06.2013 13:21 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
secretMist (guest) 04.06.2013#7

Um Super mario world is two player, one player plays mario while other plays as luigi. Here a link to prove it: I hope ninty update this to make easier.

secretMist (guest) said:
Um Super mario world is two player, one player plays mario while other plays as luigi. Here a link to prove it: I hope ninty update this to make easier.

what i was saying was it wasn't simultaneous multiplayer, you take it in turns to play a level.

Our member of the week

JayUK said:
what i was saying was it wasn't simultaneous multiplayer, you take it in turns to play a level.

The second player still needs his or her own controller, you can't pass the controller to play in two players alternatively

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Rachel (guest) 30.04.2014#10

Whenever I put on my wii controller than go back to the virtual console game it automatically turns the wii controller off! Help!

JC (guest) 28.03.2016#11

You mean "then", not "than". I don't know why so many people don't know the difference in "then" and "than" now. Don't they teach grammar in school any more. 

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