Rumour: Multiplayer Features for Luigi's Mansion 3DS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.01.2013 2

Rumour: Multiplayer Features for Luigi

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon has been pitched as a single player affair, from the trailers to the hands-on experience and playthroughs with the new Nintendo 3DS game, but a blurb on the Official Website suggests otherwise.

The listing notes (as pictured below) how that with a "brand new local multiplayer mode, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is another star turn for Mario's heroic brother". Interestingly, the website also highlights how the game is specifically for one player - leading to a little confusion as to whether or not poor Luigi will be going at it alone in his next adventure.

We've contacted Nintendo UK for clarification, but for now it might just be a case of those pesky ghosts playing havoc on Nintendo's websites.

Image for Rumour: Multiplayer Features for Luigi

What do you think of the unconfirmed multiplayer feature for Luigi's Mansion - a spooky new addition to the experience or something left in the attic?

Box art for Luigi's Mansion 2
Also known as

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon


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Something like the Nintendo Land game, perhaps.

This will my first time playing  a Luigi game I have herd so many good things about the first game and so far I been hearing good  reviews  about  Luigi's mansion dark  that going to preoder it at my local gamestop  

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