Hyrule Historia to Invade Nintendo World Store, Preview the Book

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2013 4

Hyrule Historia to Invade Nintendo World Store, Preview the Book on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Calling of Legend of Zelda fans! Nintendo will be holding an exclusive launch event for the much anticipated English version of the Hyrule Historia book next week.

From 6pm - 8pm January 25th, fans can visit the Nintendo World Store and grab hold of an advanced copy of the book in both standard and limited editions. There'll be be a costume contest and other fun themed activities to enjoy, perfect for Hylian heroes to attend.

  • When: January 25th 2013, 6pm - 8pm
  • Where: Nintendo World Store, New York
  • What: Hyrule Historia Pre-Launch Event
For those that simply can't wait for a copy of the book, publisher Dark Horse has put up eight pages to sink your teeth into, covering artwork and designs from the GameCube/Wii classic The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge">Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge">Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge">Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge">Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge">Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge">Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge">Screenshot for The Legend of Zelda - click to enlarge

Pondering whether to pick up a copy of Hyrule Historia? You can still pre-order a copy on Amazon.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda





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Is it next week that Europe gets it as well? Pre-ordered a while go, looking forward to it. Smilie

Phoenom said:
Is it next week that Europe gets it as well? Pre-ordered a while go, looking forward to it. Smilie

It's out 29th in Europe as far as I know Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I just checked on my pre-order and if the estimated dates are to be believed, I'll get it a whole week after its release. Smilie

I also preordered it months ago, I promised myself not to anticipate it to much, but just wait patiently. Smilie

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