Another Look at ONM's New Game Teaser

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.01.2013 15

Another Look at ONM

Earlier this week word of a teaser in the Official Nintendo Magazine pointed to what could be a version of Capcom's well-received Resident Evil: Revelations for the Wii U - due to descriptions of a large wall pipes and a ghostly shadow in the background.

Now thanks to the folk at NeoGAF, an image of the teaser has been approved to be posted online - et voila - an intricate network of complex piping and what might be some form of ghost or shadow roaming the back walls.

Image for Another Look at ONM

So what do you think - could this indeed be Resident Evil related? Something new, or perhaps a port of an existing game?

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Saying "The first look at a stunning new game" makes me think it isn't Revelations. 

Agreed, it may be a Revelations sequel which would of course be even better, but it could also be some new IP or something totally unexciting.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

i really hope it isnt a port of revilations, in all it was rather short and would make a dissapointing console game, its only impressive as a handheld.

welshwuff said:
i really hope it isnt a port of revilations, in all it was rather short and would make a dissapointing console game, its only impressive as a handheld.

Good point; I wouldn't mind a port but only if something else impressive was being made for the WiiU too. There's no question that RE:R is a much better game than RE6, maybe even RE5, so I don't think it's a crime to offer the game to bigger audiences. It'd be even better to get an original RE game on the WiiU though. (well, if it's good)

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Good point there ScreamoPichu -  does say "first look" and "new", so I'm leaning towards it potentially being something new.


How about... wild stab at...

MARIO lol - there are PIPES and it could, erm, be SCARILY good. Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
MARIO lol - there are PIPES and it could, erm, be SCARILY good. Smilie

Luigi's Mansion spinoff starring.... Mario Smilie

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Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<
Psyfer84 (guest) 13.01.2013#8

Or it could be this, which has been rumored time and time again.

Where did people get the idea that it's a port of RE:R in the frst place? Or that Capcom has anything to do with it? Just that a umour is spreadng that Revelations wll get ported to the 360 doesn't mean it will. And if it doesn't mean will end up on the Wii U, even though it SHOULD.

It's a FIRST look at a NEW game, as mentioned by others (and by myself when I first heard of this). t could be a sequel to something known, but also something new (which I am hoping for).

The Acid Ghost rumour is all nce and dandy, but I am keeping my skeptic-o-.meter high on that one. Same with Eternal Darkness 2.

The most "spooky" game I have played in recent times must be Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Have that spook factor and... Oh yeah.

It sure does look like a machine room for a ship or even a submarine....

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Is that Slender Man?

Canyarion said:
Is that Slender Man?

I sure hope not, the less publications based off overused internet fads we get the better.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I had actually never heard of it until somebody on a forum said he saw Slender Man in The Hobbit (the Necromancer).

I miss Nintendo Power!


Acid Ghost feat EMINEM, Too Troo

project zero maybe

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