Nintendo Confirms Legendary Pokémon for X / Y

By Adam Riley 09.01.2013 6

Nintendo Confirms Legendary Pokémon for X / Y on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yesterday was a momentous occasion for gamers across the world, with Nintendo announcing that Pokémon X and Pokémon Y would be arriving worldwide in October 2013 (with the exception of certain countries, possibly places like China or South Korea where release schedules hardly ever mirror those of other regions). Today ithas been re-confirmed that the Legendary Pokémon revealed at the tail end of the official trailer are called Xerneas and Yveltal.

For those unsure of how to pronounce those as well, Nintendo has kindly provided the following:

Phonetic spelling:
Xerneas: ZURR-nee-us
Yveltal: ee-VELL-tawl


Image for Nintendo Confirms Legendary Pokémon for X / Y


Image for Nintendo Confirms Legendary Pokémon for X / Y

For anyone that missed the original trailer, check it out below:


Which of the Legendary Pokémon do you prefer - Xerneas or Yveltal?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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There are strong hints that these Pokémon are based on Norse mythology.. their names seem to support this further.
Infact, some people think the tree behind Xerneas might be based on Yggdrassil itself. Very interesting, especially as I love me some Norse mythology in my games Smilie

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I voted for Yveltell, Reminds me of the forest gods in princess mononoke. Kind of wish the 3DS had the same power capabilites as the vita. The poke games would look even more amazing. 

Not too ken on the over world as it looks like a superior version of mode 7 from the snes.

meeto_0 said:
I voted for Yveltell, Reminds me of the forest gods in princess mononoke. Kind of wish the 3DS had the same power capabilites as the vita. The poke games would look even more amazing. 

Not too ken on the over world as it looks like a superior version of mode 7 from the snes.

I thought the same thing with Princess Mononoke.

I do like both, but I went with the ee-VELL one in the end Smilie

Reminds me of Austin Powers Smilie

Seriously, though, I love the look of it and dig the black and dark red colouring Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I think Xerneas looks cooler, i tend to like pokemon that look more like animals though

( Edited 09.01.2013 21:25 by JayUK )

I voted for Yveltal because his eyes look so much cooler and because he just looks plain cooler adn because I like flying type pokemon more.

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