Marvel to Assemble LEGO Heroes in New Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2013 2

Marvel to Assemble LEGO Heroes in New Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Are you a Marvel fan and enjoy building adventures with LEGO? The two are blending in a new series assembled by Warner Bros. Interactive and developer TT Games, with the first game available this fall across multiple platforms - including Nintendo Wii U, DS and 3DS.

Simply titled LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, the first game will blend a cast of favourites including Iron Man, Spider-Man and Captain America, following a story that involves Nick Fury summoning these spandex-clad heroes to save the world against Loki and Galactus.

There'll be more than 100 characters to choose from, blending action, super powers and puzzles all told in the ever-popular LEGO way.

Image for Marvel to Assemble LEGO Heroes in New Game

Are you a Marvel fan? Who are you looking most forward to playing as in LEGO form? What other franchises should receive LEGO treatment?

Box art for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes



Warner Bros.





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I don't read comics, but I would think LEGO games are way too simple to do your favorite heroes any justice.

But LEGO games are usually fun and I'm sure this will sell well. (Oh TellTale... please bring LotR to the Wii U!)

darkflame (guest) 09.01.2013#2

100 characters? So thats very likely Jen Walters will be there, excellent.
Hopfully they build the powers modularly so they wont need 100 unique abilities, but the combinations will still be.
Mathew Murdock = Lawyering + parkour
Jen Walters = Lawyering+ smashing
Banner = Smashing + Science
Read Richards = Science+stretching
Peter Parker = Webbing + quipping
etc etc

They need to make choosing a character more then just a skin, but like selecting a skillset. And the more non-fighting skills the better!

'nuff said.

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