Nintendo Boss Talks Steady Wii U Performance

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2013 5

Nintendo Boss Talks Steady Wii U Performance on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo Boss Satoru Iwata has spoken out out on the Wii U's performance so far in a festive seasons where smart devices and tablets were present preference for both young and old.

The company launched the system around the globe in November/early December, and despite there being stock still readily available, Iwata feels that "sales are not bad, and I feel it's selling steadily".

He also feels that dual models of the Wii U - the Basic edition and a Premium variety - caused a challenge as "inventory levels for the premium, deluxe package was unbalanced as many people wanted that version and couldn't find it", leaving the cheaper edition trickier to shift.

According to Reuters, Nintendo's shares have fallen 15% since the Wii U launched.

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To me the black one was a no brainer: Its black, has some storage for small indie games, cradle charger, Nintendo Land, Discount scheme. 

Nothing will sell as fast as the wii in todays market so Nintendos shares are always going to suffer for the time being. The games market is not the mobile market so nintendo cant match apple in that department. 

The price difference between the two models is not significant enough. THe white one should be around £220 max in my opinion. 

The wii U is a great system it just needs some major key titles to be announced and a quicker smoother OS would be great. Its baffling slow. 

Remember E3 2011? When all those games were shown? How many of them did we get to see? 2? Batman and eventually Aliens. If 3rd parties don't step up, or better said, if Nintendo doesn't step up and get more 3rd party support we might see another Wii.

The Wii U will do good when more games are coming. Hope they give us something before E3. A Nintendo Direct or so. Just a tease to ease the pain Smilie

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Entity said:
Remember E3 2011? When all those games were shown? How many of them did we get to see? 2?

Here is the video from E3 2011.

These were the games shown or mentioned:
- Aliens Colonial Marines
- Assassins Creed III
- Batman: Arkham City
- Darksiders II
- Dirt
- Metro Last Light
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
- Tekken
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online

Of the 9 games mentioned, only 2 (Dirt and Metro Last Light) have disappeared. The other 7 have all come out or are coming out in the future.

we might see another Wii.
I hope so. It was a fantastic system.

( Edited 08.01.2013 00:27 by Sonic_13 )

Huhm.. Thanks. Was sure there were more.

And yes, the Wii was/is an amazing system. Don't think I have had so many games on any of my systems so far. But if 3rd parties don't come with the games the WiiU will not do too good :/

Ken Levine wanted games on it, but 2K says no... So stupid!

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Love my Wii U! Had a blast over the holidays playing Nano Assault Neo, Little Inferno, Trine 2: Director's Cut, Zombi U, NSMB U and Nintendo Land. Will eventually pick up ACIII and Darksiders II once I've finished Toki Tori 2 and made more progress on Nintendo Land.

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