Capcom on Ace Attorney Investigations 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.12.2012 7

Capcom on Ace Attorney Investigations 2 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Are you eagerly awaiting a Western release for Ace Attorney Investigations 2? Capcom know of the fan response.

Whilst the first spin-off entry Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth had a mild and slightly niche performance in North America and Europe, it hasn't stopped dedicated fans wanting to grab hold of the sequel. The only firm figure known for the first game is a little over 300,000 units sold in Japan as of the end of 2010, with no numbers provided for other territories. The sequel has sold 219,682, according to Famitsu, as of 25th December, 2011.

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is the missing localised link in the popular series, and is still on Capcom's radar, according to senior VP Christian Svensson. In the Capcom Unity forums recently, Svensson replied to concerned fans that there is "still no news to share", but "the demand for AAI2 is not something that is unknown to us".

He previously highlighted that if  Ace Attorney 5 performed well, it would help the case for poor Edgeworth.

Are you an Ace Attorney fan? Would you like a localised version of Ace Attorney Investigations 2?

Box art for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I think that even though they're aware of the demand, the more demand it has the better. Still, when it comes to eShop releases for old games I haven't seen it done yet! Wouldn't this depend on if Nintendo feel like working DS games for eShop release? Smilie

I really want AAI2 in any way possible, I just hope the fact that it's a DS game and the DS' lifespan is over doesn't hugely hinder its chances :c

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I think at this rate a fan translation will arrive quicker... Smilie

Also, I updated with some solid sales figures - nasty VG Chartzz nonsense numbers don't count Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This is where eShop releases make sense - you still have to pay for translation and ratings, but you dont have to worry about a minimum cart order to break even. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
This is where eShop releases make sense - you still have to pay for translation and ratings, but you dont have to worry about a minimum cart order to break even.

Definitely - most of the fanbase who want the game would be online/following fan-sites anyway, so I'm sure they'd make the eShop purchase. Can even go out cheaper than the RRP for a packaged game too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can safetly say that the Ace Attorney games are at the top of my list of most-wanted-to-be-translated games, including this one and the Professor Layton crossover game.

I sure hope they translate it, in whatever form it is distributed!

Permafry_42 (guest) 06.01.2013#6

@Adam Riley
There's already a fan translation that is almost finished localizing case 1!

Permafry_42 (guest) said:
@Adam Riley
There's already a fan translation that is almost finished localizing case 1!

Thanks for the update Smilie I knew of the translation project, but wasn't sure how far along it was. Hopefully it'll be done before the end of the year Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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