VOTE for your Game of the Year 2012
It's here folks, after two weeks of voting for your favourite Nintendo Wii U, 3DS and DS games across multiple categories, the final and most important poll has arrived: Cubed3 Game of the Year 2012.
Whether it's Nintendo's high definition debut in New Super Mario Bros. U or the terrifyingly brilliant London scare in ZombiU, the retro-filled charm of Mutant Mudds or RPG heaven in The Last Story, Nintendo fans have been spoilt for choice this year.
We've filtered through the most popular titles from each of the award categories into a Top 10 and it's up to you to vote for your favourite. Unlike the previous polls, this time you can only pick one title to win - so ponder hard and make your choice!
Voting closes midnight Wednesday 2nd January 2013.

Be sure to share your thoughts and any other 2012 contenders in the comments section below.