Poll: Vote for your Game of the Year 2012

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.12.2012 23

Image for Poll: Vote for your Game of the Year 2012

VOTE for your Game of the Year 2012

It's here folks, after two weeks of voting for your favourite Nintendo Wii U, 3DS and DS games across multiple categories, the final and most important poll has arrived: Cubed3 Game of the Year 2012.

Whether it's Nintendo's high definition debut in New Super Mario Bros. U or the terrifyingly brilliant London scare in ZombiU, the retro-filled charm of Mutant Mudds or RPG heaven in The Last Story, Nintendo fans have been spoilt for choice this year.

We've filtered through the most popular titles from each of the award categories into a Top 10 and it's up to you to vote for your favourite. Unlike the previous polls, this time you can only pick one title to win - so ponder hard and make your choice!

Voting closes midnight Wednesday 2nd January 2013.

Image for Poll: Vote for your Game of the Year 2012

Be sure to share your thoughts and any other 2012 contenders in the comments section below.

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Really tough one for me - Virtue's Last Reward was a close one, but The Last Story left such a strong impression it had to be No.1 for me...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Tough choice, but I have to go with Kid Icarus: Uprising. It completely blew me away in every way possible, though I should have expected a fantastic game from the mastermind known as Sakurai.

I seriously hope this poll won't get overrun by people sent by any particular publisher as well. It's just so incredibly cheap and no game deserves to win like that...

I just saw a tweet from Jools...you gotta be kidding me. Might as well close this now, the winner is already decided.

( Edited 28.12.2012 01:25 by SirLink )

I loved Kid Icarus and Kingdom Hearts.. but man, Virtue's Last Reward no question Smilie definitely an experience that will stay with me for a long time.

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Can't say I've had the luxury of playing all of these games, but The Last Story still seems like a worthy contender either way.

Devs will advertise this poll so I can see an upset unless bigger ones don't pass it on ; )

It's only a bit of fun, anyway. If we wanted, we could do our own Cubed3 Staff picks with one winner for each category, too, to coincide with the readers' choice.

Azuardo said:
Can't say I've had the luxury of playing all of these games, but The Last Story still seems like a worthy contender either way.

Devs will advertise this poll so I can see an upset unless bigger ones don't pass it on ; )

It's only a bit of fun, anyway. If we wanted, we could do our own Cubed3 Staff picks with one winner for each category, too, to coincide with the readers' choice.

The problem I have with this is that it's not really Cubed3's Game of the Year award anymore, it just boils down to what publisher/developer sends the most people here to vote and not readers who normally visit this site voting for their favourite.

I understand the frustration, but it's a reader vote and not necessarily reflective of the Cubed3 site's staff picks. We don't get the numbers like IGN where you'd need thousands teaming up to force an underdog winner. You can argue that even if it was just regular readers voting, you could still end up with unlikely winners in some of these polls if the majority of them are fans of an underdog game, since there may not be enough diversity amongst the readers.

Azuardo said:
I understand the frustration, but it's a reader vote and not necessarily reflective of the Cubed3 site's staff picks. We don't get the numbers like IGN where you'd need thousands teaming up to force an underdog winner. You can argue that even if it was just regular readers voting, you could still end up with unlikely winners in some of these polls if the majority of them are fans of an underdog game, since there may not be enough diversity amongst the readers.

I don't even care about it not reflecting Cubed3's staff picks, since it was never going to be that with reader votes. It's just a shame that we don't have enough actual members to limit the poll to them and prevent people that most likely didn't even visit this site before and just got sent here by publishers/developers from voting. That's what I meant with it not really being Cubed3's Game of the Year award.

I know, I understand. If it was named Cubed3 Reader Awards, that might reflect it better, but doesn't mean we can't do our own "official" site picks, too. I know it's frustrating but this can happen in any reader polls. Remember the recent TIME Magazine readers poll being hijacked by 4chan and North Korea leader Kin Jong Un winning the mag's Person of the Year poll? It must have been very frustrating for the staff and dedicated readers of the mag/site, but what can you do? Just shows that reader polls should be taken light-heartedly.

( Edited 29.12.2012 16:50 by Azuardo )

NineSixteenths (guest) 28.12.2012#9

Kid Icarus for me...
Perfect combination of everything I love in a game - intense action, lovable characters, amazingly corny humor. Loved it to bits.
I love ZombiU a lot, but it's not a perfect game. If just a little more was added, I'd be absolutely blown away. RE: R is a great game, but I'm not sure if it's goty material - just a great RE game. I like The Last Story a lot, but it didn't absolutely capture me like everyone else. Nintendo Land is a surprisingly amazing game (far better than my expectations... and I even demo'd the game in an event beforehand), but I can't really allow myself to vote for a minigame compilation (even if all the minigames are amazing and great and awesome) for a goty (vote for one game - one game that does its thing perfectly). And Zero Escape is also friggin' awesome, but it doesn't quite grab my love like how KI: U did.

KI: U is about the only thing that made me fangasm over characters I wasn't even familiar with this year. Fanart and even fanfiction (gasp) worthy. Overall fan-worthy of a game. And I haven't played a game like that for quite a while. That gets my vote.

What the hell happened to Skyward Sword. It doesnt seem to be showing up on any of these lists. I feel that game will fall to the waste side as a forgotten gem, history might not be so kind to it. 

Skyward Sword was 2011 I believe.

Skyward Sword was indeed 2011.

I'm quite surprised Pandora's Tower wasn't included in this poll, since it was the Wii's last hurrah, and whilst not as appealing as the other two Operation Rainfall games, it was a great game in its own right.

I've played some great games this year, so it was really tough to just pick one. Even some of the games included in this poll which I haven't played deserve some votes. In the end, I picked Kid Icarus: Uprising because it had a fantastic story, lovable characters and everything about it was great (Except maybe the controls, but they weren't that much of an issue. Smilie )

My runners up would be The Last Story and Resident Evil: Revelations. Revelations is honestly my most favourite Resident Evil game now. Capcom need to start making the main series games like this again!

Black Ops 2 is pretty high up on my list too, as is Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. Quite surprised that it wasn't included in this poll.

( Edited 28.12.2012 09:22 by Mush )

Voted for the last story, my personal game of the year across all formats was Journey though.

Marz (guest) 28.12.2012#14


But on Nintendo consoles, Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Had to go with Nintendo Land as it was/is the most played game in our family this year.

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Bit odd that Pokemon Black/White 2 and NSMB 2 on the DS/3DS  didn't make it into the cut...not that i own either. 

With so many saying Kid Icarus it makes me feel like i am missing something not owning a 3DS!

Look through the other polls. We've taken the games with biggest wins to go into this one. Can't have them all in there. Pokemon, NSMB2 etc didn't get as many votes.

Agree - overwhelming praise for Icarus has me constantly checking prices for it. But Nintendo games stay so damn pricey I don't think I'll get to play it for quite some time.

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ZombiU is the one for me. It didn't come first for me in any of the other categories it was in up till now, but the amalgamation of all the things it does right, even without excelling in any of those areas, makes it the best for me, and is certainly the game in 2012 that had me the most hooked, and should keep me hooked until I finally manage to beat the survival mode Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

The Last Story had great character dialogue, and 1 great town, but other then that it was a big let down  for me. Way too short, no exploration, and almost all the areas were liner coridoors.
Best town in any videogame I have played, mind.
I hope they do a sequal thats a lot more open.

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Had to go with Uprising. Easily one of Nintendo's freshest games in years.

Haven't played all them games, but I do love ZombiU and The Last Story.... Damn this was a hard choice....

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Another twitter referral? ZombiU just shot up by like half a bazillion votes. Smilie

Out of all of these, I've only played The Last Story, so it wouldn't really be fair for me to vote.

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